Media Releases

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    11 of January of 2010Statement by the Spokesperson of the IV Constitutional Government on January 11, 2010
    Government of Timor-Leste launches new National Academic Structure
  • 01 of January of 2010Meeting of the Council of Ministers 06 October 2008

    IV Constitutional Government
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers 06 October 2008
    The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, 06th October 2008, in the Council of Ministers meeting room, Government Palace, in Dili where it approved:
    1. Draft-law that creates the Anti-Corruption Commission
    The Government has adopted the creation of a Commission that is able to eradicate corruption in all its shapes, bestowing upon it powers and duties to investigate and expose corruption in a efficient and effective way, promoting a culture of integrity, transparency and accountability in the State.
    The approval of this Law creates an independent body, exclusively dedicated to the prevention, investigation and combating corruption, which allows for a greater credibility before the public and a greater international acceptance.
    2.Decree-Law that approves the organic structure of the Intelligence National Service
    The Council of Ministers approved the organic structure of the INS. This is a personalised system belonging to the state has is responsible for the research of information that contributes to national independence, national interests, external and internal security, the prevention of sabotage, organised crime and any action that due to their nature can alter or destroy the Rule of Law that has been constitutionally established.
    The Council of Ministers also considered:
    3.Presentation of the Organic Law of the Ministry of Finance
    The Organic Law of the Ministry of Finance was presented and it was decided that the draft law would be circulated and sent to the Ministry of State Administration and Territorial Organisation
    4.Inter ministerial Commission for Economic Development (CIDE/ICED)
    With the goal of promoting a better coordination of the activities carried out by the Government that aim to achieve economic development, namely the synchronisation at a ministerial level so that a better economic development can be attained (regarding the meetings held and the dissemination of the decisions made, as in the identification of the activities that are developed at the investment level, the presentation of reports so that one can measure the execution rates that have been allocated to each Ministry) hence a Inter ministerial commission for Economic Development has arisen.
    The Council of Ministers has suggested some changes to be made to this draft law, and it was decided that it would be presented when possible.
    5.Presentation of the Regime of the Public Transfers
    The Council of Ministers decided to circulate this draft law, since the current Regime of the Public Transfers does not define what is a Public Transfer, hence it is necessary to replace the present regime with another one that Is more suited to the interest of the public in general and to providing services that are of general interest, using public moneys towards human development and poverty reduction.
  • 01 of January of 2010Meeting of the Council of Ministers 22 October 2008
    V Constitutional Government
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers 22 October 2008
    The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, 22nd October 2008, in the Council of Ministers meeting room, Government Palace, in Dili where it approved:
    1.Presentation of the United Nations Peace Building Support Office
    The United Nations have an aid program to help in the peace building process in countries in a post-war situation.
    This support involves a series of measures that reduce the risk of going back to a conflict situation. Examples are, the reinforcement of security, the monitorisation of elections and human rights, as well as the development of the institutional capacity.
    United Nations Peacebuilding is composed of:
    a)Peacebuilding Commission (PBC);
    b)Peacebuilding Fund (PBF);
    c)Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO).
    The Peace Building Commission is an intergovernmental advisory body that is composed of all the relevant elements to coordinate and discuss points of view, as well as propose strategies to the promotion of peace in the countries emerging from conflict situations.
    The Peace Building Fund is focused on the critical and relevant flaws, providing support and financial aid to develop mechanisms that support this purpose.
    The Peace Building Support Office establishes connections with external partners to develop peace building strategies, marshals resources and enhances international coordination. It is based on knowledge and good practices of Peace building.
    2.Part II of the Strategic Framework for Decentralisation and the Municipal Process, Draft-law of the Territorial and Administrative Division, Draft-Law Local Government and Draft-Law on Municipal Elections.
    The Council of Ministers analysed all these proposals, and these will be discussed still in future meetings.
  • 01 of January of 2010Meeting of the Council of Ministers 15 October 2008
    IV Governo Constitucional
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers 15 October 2008
    The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, 15th October 2008, in the Council of Ministers meeting room, Government Palace, in Dili where it approved:
    1. Decree-Law that approves the Regulation for Restaurants and Similar Establishments
    Approved the Decree-Law that regulates the restaurant industry in order to protect the consumer and uphold food security. Since there is a growing concern with hygienic and environmental issues in general, but mostly in swimming areas and beaches, due to increasing tourism, hence there is a pressing need to create a regulation that disciplines the restaurant industry.
    Thus, it is important to classify by categories, the several types of establishments and for the restaurants to have a Complaint Book.
    In accordance with this Decree-Law, it is now necessary to verify the property and rental documentation, it is also necessary to verify the land titles of tourist establishments, specially those that occupy the beach areas.
    2. Decree-Law that changes the Legal Regime of the Passport
    The Council of Ministers approved the Decree-Law draft that regulates the new legal regime of the passports, ensuring a greater coherence and security to the system and it is more adjusted to the international security requirements. With this, the passport becomes an individual document, that makes possible optical reading and does not allow further registrations. Both security and red-tape issues were taken into account.
    The Council of Ministries also considered:
    3. Draft-Law that approves the Civil Code
    The Draft-Law of the Civil Code follows the civilist model, and allows the legal actors and the general population, a greater stability regarding regulating the life of a community.
    The Civil Code will regulate the legal-private relationships, in the areas of Law where there are relations between legal and natural entities, thus covering the gaps existing in the Indonesian Civil Code which is in force in Timor-Leste. Having said that the Civil Code is divided into five parts:
    a. Book I: Illustrates the breath and scope of the Civil Code;
    b. Book II: Defines the norms regarding the Law of Obligations ;
    c. Book III: Regulates the Property Law;
    d. Book IV: Regulates the Family Law;
    e. Book V: Regulates the Inheritance Law.
  • 01 of January of 2010Meeting of the Council of Ministers 08 October 2008
    IV Constitutional Government
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers 08 October 2008
    The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, 08th October 2008, in the Council of Ministers meeting room, Government Palace, in Dili where it approved::
    1. Decree Law that approves the Regulation of Recretational and Social Games
    Given the importance of avoiding impunity and the unregulated growth of activities outside the scope of the law, the need was felt to regulate the existing recreational games. To the present regimes for lottery we also add cock-fighting, under a special licensing regime. These measures are also against the transfer of illegal moneys and money laundering, and have as a goal the increase of public revenues and tourism throughout the country. These measures contribute to job creation and represent a valuable asset. These revenues are taxable, without prejudice of sharing the gains made by entities of the public and private sector, as well as the Church. This decree law should go for public consultation.
    The Council of Ministers approved this Decree Law with minor changes.
    The Council of Ministers also analysed:
    4. The Private Investment Law
    Considering that the private sector is an essential partner in the national development, since it creates wealth and jobs outside the framework of the State, the need was felt to replace the existing legislation with new laws that apply to investors, regardless of their nationality or residency.
    The present law defines fiscal and custom's related benefits and incentives or in the form of special rental conditions of fixed assets belonging to the State or in the shape of subsidies to the training of national civil servants. This system of benefits and incentives follows a breakdown by geographic areas so as to develop the areas covered by this legislation. The approval of this law crates the need to adjust the Public Administration and its procedures so as to defend the rights and duties of the investors in this country. There will be a need to create a Specialised Development Agency that is more politically autonomous, that will have as a task to promote an active economic diplomacy. Summing up, this legislative revision aims to promote private investment made both by foreigners and nationals.
    5. The Ministerial Diploma on the Pricing of Consumables
    With the recent instability of the normal market prices, the world-wide surge of fuel prices, the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry, without interfering in the prices and the free market, wishes to take an action without any penal consequences for the retail sector and that gives a greater transparency and promotes good practices throughout the population.
  • 01 of January of 2010Meeting of the Council of Ministers 17 September 2008
    IV Constitutional Government
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers 17 September 2008
    The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, 17th September 2008, in the Council of Ministers meeting room, Government Palace, in Dili where it approved:
    1-Decree-Law that approves the Financial Incentives to be given to the Health Professionals
    The diploma that the Council of Ministers approved in today’s meeting regulates the criteria and conditions to give financial incentives to the professionals in the Ministry of Health, and these are applied to the doctors, nurses, professionals and health assistants and also to administrative staff.
    The Ministry of Health considers of utmost importance to introduce an additional retributive system, with the aim to improve the usage of the available human resources and the service delivery in the health area.
    The introduction of this subsidy aims to achieve the streamlining of health sector professionals and is an attempt to equalize the salary level with the responsibility that the positions entail and to the high and specialized demand in the health sector. We also aim to improve customer satisfaction and overall performance.
    2-Decree-Law that approves the Regulation of Licensing, Commercialisation and Quality of Drinkable Water
    The Council of Ministers approved in today’s meeting the regulation of licensing, commercialisation and quality of drinkable water, which is one basic needs to sustain human life, and this aims to improve the quality of water that is made available to the consumer
    The Council of Ministers also analysed:
    3-The draft Law that approves the Organic of the Central Bank of Timor-Leste
    The Council of Ministers analysed in today’s meeting the draft Organic Law for the Central Bank of Timor-Leste. A diploma that is in accordance with article 143 of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, and this diploma will be scheduled for approval after the changes are made by the Council of Ministers.
    The Central Bank of Timor-Leste is the institution responsible for price stability, for the financial system and for the decisive contribution to the economic development and reduction of social inequalities in Timor-Leste.
    4-Decree Law that approves the Regulation of Recreational and Social Games
    The Council of Ministers analysed and debated in today’s meeting the Regulation of Recreational and Social Games, with the purpose to integrate these activities in the legal economy and for them to be developed in social, economic and financial harmony.
    It is vital to avoid financial impunity and the unregulated development of illicit activities, which have created an environment of public antipathy, and in some situations a feeling of insecurity that have not contributed at all, to the development of the country.
    The Council of Ministers considered that the diploma requires some adjustments, and will be scheduled for presentation after these are made.
    5-Presentation of the report made by LABEH regarding the national consultation on the Anti-Corruption Commission
    The Council of Ministers heard a presentation on the report made by LABEH regarding the national consultation on the Anti-Corruption Commission.
    6-Draft Law that creates the Anti-Corruption Commission
    This draft Law which aims to create the Anti-Corruption was analysed and heavily debated in the Council of Ministers (CoM), after which it and was decided that it needs some changes and after these are made it will be presented again to CoM for approval.
  • 01 of January of 2010Meeting of the Council of Ministers 3 September 2008
    IV Constitutional Government
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers 3 September 2008
    The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, 3rd September 2008, in the Council of Ministers meeting room, Government Palace, in Dili where it approved:
    1.Decree-Law that changes the Organic Law of the Government
    The Decree-Law n..7/2007, 5th of September, is changed by the Decree-Law n. 26/2008, 23rd July, that sets out the structure of the IV Constitutional Government. In accordance with the Government's Program approved by National Parliament, the creation of a Civil Service Commission is one of the goals of this Government. While the relevant legislation is awaiting approval, it important to implement a National Service which has under its responsibility the Public Administration and make sure that the necessary procedures in order to develop the Civil Service Commission from National Directorate of the Civil Service under the Ministry of State Administration and Territorial Organisation.
    Amongst the competencies of the Ministry is the study, proposition and execution of the policies and regulations regarding the civil service, social security of the Civil Service and other related administrative procedures that fall under the responsibility of the National Directorate of the Civil Service.
    With this change and in accordance with the diploma approved by the Council of Ministers in today's meeting, these competencies passed to the Prime Minister, who manages them through a National Service.
    2.Decree-Law that changes the structure of the Ministry of State Administration
    Amongst the competencies of the Ministry is the study, proposition and execution of the policies and regulations regarding the civil service, social security of the Civil Service and other related administrative procedures that fall under the responsibility of the National Directorate of the Civil Service.
    It is the intention of the Government, as stated Government's Program approved by National Parliament, the creation of a Civil Service Commission is one of the goals of this Government. While the relevant legislation is awaiting approval, it important to implement a National Service which has under its responsibility the Public Administration and the development of the afore mentioned Commission, which comes into fruition via the diploma approved by the Council of Ministers in today's meeting.
    3.Decree Law that approves the Public Defender Statutes
    The Diploma that the Council of Minister approved today establishes and regulates the Public Defender Statutes, where it is defined the attributions, the organisation, the functioning and the competences of the Public Defenders, as well as those of the organs.
    In accordance to article 26 the Constitution guarantees to everyone access to courts in order to legally defend their rights, thus ensuring that Justice should be upheld regardless of the economic means of the individual.
    4.Resolution that approves a donation to the Republic
    The Republic of Cuba has been hit on August 30 by the hurricane “Gustav”, which is considered to be the most violent in sixty years. According to official Cuban sources, “Gustav” destroyed either totally or partially thousands of homes and public buildings, 3.500 tobacco curing warehouses, 136 high tension electrical towers, and provoked serious damage to power and telephone lines and to trees and agricultural fields.
    Some of the destroyed buildings are schools, and a few of them are attended by timorese students.
    Since the fundamental principles of solidarity and fraternity amongst nations are enshrined in the Constitution of Timor-Leste, the Council of Ministers approved in today's meeting a Resolution which will donate USD 500.000 to the people and Government of the Republic of Cuba, in order to minimise the nefarious impact of hurricane “Gustav”.
    The Council of Ministers also analysed:
    A presentation of the National Housing Recovery Policy
    The Council heard today a presentation on the Implementation Manual for the Social Rehabilitation Program and Housing Assistance to the Victims of Disasters, having analysed the document and agreed with the proposals it contained.
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