Media Releases

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    24 of April of 2013Timor-Leste’s National Oil Company Commences it’s first Exploration Activity
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the V Constitutional Government on April 24, 2013
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    23 of April of 2013Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 23, 2013
    The V Constitutional Government met this Tuesday, April 23, 2013, in the Council of Ministers Meeting Room, at the Government Palace, in Díli, having approved the following:
    1. Draft Resolution approving the Adhesion to the United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
    2. Draft Proposal approving the Adhesion to the United Nations Convention for Suppression of Terrorism Financing
    3. Resolution approving the Blacklist of Individuals and Entities Linked to Al-Qaeda
    4. Government Resolution approving the Procurement Procedure and the Minutes of the Contract to be signed with TIMOR GAP, E.P., for the Supply of High Speed Diesel
    5. Decree-Law approving the General Regime of the National Programme for Suco Development

    The Council of Ministers also analysed the following:
    1. Presentation of the Report of the Central Report
    2. Statistics and respective Policies
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    22 of April of 2013Government and Community celebrate agreement on land use for Suai Supply Base
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the V Constitutional Government on April 22, 2013
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    18 of April of 2013Emerging data says FLNG a costly risk for Timor-Leste
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the V Constitutional Government on April 18, 2013
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    02 of April of 2013Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 2, 2013
    The V Constitutional Government met this Tuesday, April 2, 2013, in the Council of Ministers Meeting Room, at the Government Palace, in Díli, having approved the following:
    1. Decree-Law approving the First Amendment to Decree-Law on Allowances for Travelling Abroad on Duty
    2. Tax Regime

    The Council of Ministers also analysed the following:
    1. Presentation of project “Kairabela Freeport Zone”
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    26 of March of 2013Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on March 26, 2013
    The V Constitutional Government met extraordinarily this Tuesday, March 26, 2013, in the meeting room of the Council of Ministers, at the Government Palace, in Díli, having approved the following:
    1. Government Resolution on the Transition of the Command of Timor-Leste National Police
    2. Decree-Law approving the Procurement Regime of the District’s Integrated Development Planning (PDID)
    3. Decree-Law approving the first amendment to Decree-Law establishing the National Development Agency
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    25 of March of 2013Grant of day-off on March 28 and April 1, 2013
    The V Constitutional Government of Timor-Leste has decided to concede day-off on March 28 and April 1, for the whole day, to all staff and agents of the Ministries or dependent services, as well as the institutes and organisms integrated in the State’s indirect administration.
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    21 of March of 2013First Tax Trial delivers positive result
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the V Constitutional Government on March 21, 2013
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