Media Releases

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    02 of June of 2014Prime Minister appointed to the g7+ Advisory Board during Official Visit to Togo
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the V Constitutional Government on June 2, 2014
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    27 of May of 2014Meeting of the Council of Ministers of May 27th, 2014
    The V Constitutional Government gathered this Tuesday, the 27th May 2014, at the Council of Ministers meeting room, at the Government Palace, in Díli, and approved:
    1. Decree approving the Workforce of the Career of the Prosecutor's Services

    The Council of Ministers also analysed:
    1. Decree Law that creates the National Committee of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Timor-Leste
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    13 of May of 2014Meeting of the Council of Ministers of May 13th, 2014
    The V Constitutional Government gathered this Tuesday, the 13th May 2014, at the Council of Ministers meeting room, at the Government Palace, in Díli, and approved:
    1. Decree-Law that approves the Organic Structure of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers

    The Council of Ministers also analysed:
    1. Presentation of Programs and Projects Developed and/or supported by the World Bank
    2. Presentation of the Civil Service Commission's Annual Activity Report for 2013
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    06 of May of 2014Meeting of the Council of Ministers of May 6th, 2014
    The V Constitutional Government gathered this Tuesday, the 6th May 2014, at the Council of Ministers meeting room, at the Government Palace, in Díli, and approved:
    1. Decree-Law that approves the Political Basis for Tourism

    The Council of Ministers also analysed:
    1. Timor-Leste and Beijing Platform for the revision of the National Action Evaluation Report
    2. Presentation of the Support Cabinet to the Presidency of CPLP
    3. Law Proposal which creates the Contributory Regime of Social Security, under the Progressive Organization of a Social Security System.
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    03 of May of 2014The g7+ Chaired by Timor-Leste supports the G20 Chaired by Australia in their commitment to assist developing nations in tax
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the V Constitutional Government on May 3, 2014
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    29 of April of 2014Meeting of the Council of Ministers of April 29th, 2014
    The Government gathered, last Tuesday, April 29th, 2014, at the Council of Ministers meeting room, at the Government Palace, in Dili, and approved:
    1. Draft Law on the Statute of the Region of Oe-cusse Ambeno and Ataúro
    2. Draft Decree Law on the Licensing, Operation and Control Process of the Activities of Social and Traditional Entertainment Games
    3. Decree-Law on the Statute of the Special Career Regime of Auditors of the Chamber of Auditors of the Superior Administrative, Tax and Audit Court
    4. Government Resolution approving the Agreement for the Establishment of the Regional Secretariat of the Coral Triangle Initiative for Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security
    5. Decree of the Government approving the Organic Unit of the Mission for the Integrated Sub-Regional Economic Development

    The Council of Ministers also analysed:
    1. The Report of the II Mission of Support to the Electoral Process in Guinea-Bissau
    2. Zero Hunger Challenge (ZHC)
    3. Decree Law establishes the basis of a Tourism Policy
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    15 of April of 2014Grant of day-off on April 17, during the afternoon, and April 21, during all day
    The V Constitutional Government of Timor-Leste has decided to grant the afternoon-off, from 2pm on April 17, 2014 and the whole day-off on April 21 to all the public servants, staff and agents of the Ministries or dependent services, as well as the institutes and organisms integrated in the State’s indirect administration.
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