Media Releases

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    16 of July of 2014Day Off on July 22nd and July 23rd, 2014
    The Government has decided to grant a day off on July 22nd and July 23rd, 2014, to all employees and agents of the ministries or their dependent services, as well as to the institutes and integrated indirect administration bodies of the State.
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    10 of July of 2014Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers, July 10th, 2014
    The Government met extraordinarily this Thursday, July 10th, 2014, in the Council of Ministers’ meeting room, at the Government’s Palace, in Díli, and approved:
    1. Government Resolution on the São Tomé e Príncipe and Guinea-Bissau unpaid contributions

    The Council of Ministers also analyzed:
    1. Applications for the post of Anti-Corruption Commissioner
    2. Organization of the X Conference of Heads of State and Government of CPLP
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    08 of July of 2014Meeting of the Council of Ministers of July 8th, 2014
    The 5th Constitutional Government gathered this Tuesday, July 8th, 2014, in the Council of Ministers’ Meeting Room, at the Government Palace, in Díli, and approved:
    1. Decree Law approving the structure of the State Secretariat for Youth and Sports
    2. Decree Law that approves the Organic Law of the Secretariat of State for the Promotion of Equality
    3. Decree Law approving the Organic Law of the Ministry of Defence and Security
    4. Decree-Law that approves the Procurement Framework for the Special Region of Oe-cusse Ambeno
    5. First Amendment to the Decree-Law that regulates the Infrastructure Fund
    6. Application for Judge of the International Criminal Court
    7. Decree-Law approving the first amendment to Decree-Law n. 15/2014, of May 14th (Organic Law for Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation)
    8. Decree-Law approving the Legal Regime for Private Security
    9. Decree-law approving the legal regime for the import, production, trade, possession and use of bladed weapons

    The Council of Ministers also analysed:
    1. Presentation on weather resilient communities in the Ainaro-Dili corridor (Timor-Leste and the challenge of localized natural disasters)
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    03 of July of 2014World Health Organization Statistics for 2014 indicate good trends for Timor-Leste
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the V Constitutional Government on July 3, 2014
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    02 of July of 2014Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers, July 2nd, 2014
    The Government met extraordinarily this Wednesday, July 2nd, 2014, in the Council of Ministers’ meeting room, at the Government’s Palace, in Díli, and approved:
    1. Government Decree approving the Magistrates’ Framework for the Judicial Magistracy
    2. Government’s Resolution related to the rescheduling of the Action Plan for the Logistic Base of Suai
    3. Awarding of tables and chairs to schools

    The Council of Ministers also analysed:
    1. Arbitration Process in Singapore
    2. Debts to Timor Telecom
    3. Allocation of vehicles for the 10th Conference of Heads of State and Government of the CPLP
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    24 of June of 2014Meeting of the Council of Ministers of June 24th, 2014
    The 5th Constitutional Government gathered this Tuesday, June 24th, 2014, in the Council of Ministers’ Meeting Room, at the Government Palace, in Díli, and approved:
    1. Draft Resolution for the ratification of the Constitution of the International Labour Organization
    2. Draft-Resolution for the approval of the Agreement between the Government of Timor-Leste and the Government of the People’s Republic of China to Visa Waver to the Holders of Diplomatic and Official Passports
    3. Government Resolution approving the Economic and Technical Cooperation Agreement between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the People’s Republic of China
    4. Decree-Law approving the Statute of the Archive and Museum of the Timorese Resistance

    The Council of Ministers also analysed:
    1. Initial National Communication of Timor-Leste, in the aim of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
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    21 of June of 2014Meeting of the Council of Ministers of June 17th, 2014
    The 5th Constitutional Government gathered this Tuesday, June 17th, 2014, in the Council of Ministers’ meeting room, at the Government’s Palace, in Dili, and approved:
    1. Introduction of the Fiscal Package for 2015
    2. Government Resolution approving the Framework for Preschool Education Policies
    3. Decree-law establishing the National Curriculum Base for the First and Second Cycles of Basic Education
    4. Decree-law establishing the National Base Curriculum for Preschool Education
    5. Decree-Law establishing the National Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Timor-Leste
    6. First amendment to the Decree-law establishing the general arrangements for Evaluation in Higher Education and establishes the National Agency for Assessment and Academic Accreditation (ANAAA)
    7. Decree Law approving the Statute of the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST)

    The Council of Ministers also analysed:
    1. Progress report on the organization of the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the CPLP
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    05 of June of 2014Australia changes position on maritime boundaries
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the V Constitutional Government on June 5, 2014
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