Media Releases

  • 04 of Outubro of 2023Meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 4th, 2023

    1 - 9th Constitutional Government Members' Code of Conduct;

    2 - ratify, for accession, the International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System;

    3 - budget programs;

    4 - budget classifiers;

    5 - negotiations for Timor-Leste's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), as well as the signing of the necessary agreements.
  • 02 of Outubro of 2023Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 2nd, 2023

    1 - total amount of expenditure associated with each budget title for the 2024 General State Budget; and

    2 - Administrative Agreement for the application of the Convention between Timor-Leste and Portugal on Social Security and the Memorandum of Understanding between the Portuguese Ministry of Labour, Social Solidarity and Inclusion and the Timor-Leste Secretary of State for Professional Training and Employment on the Mobility of Timorese Workers.
  • 27 of September of 2023Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 27th, 2023

    1 - reinstate police personnel in the Timor-Leste National Police;

    2 - Voluntary Contribution of US$ 100,000 to the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance (AHA Centre);

    3 - three agreements with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the United Nations International Trade Centre and the Ministry of Communications and Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia;

    4 - grant land in the Caicoli area for building the new facilities of the Portuguese School of Dili;

    5 - temporary intervention measure to stabilise the price of rice on the market;

    6 - need for surveillance and preservation of the water supply system;

    7 - urgent intervention plan presented by the Minister for Public Works, Samuel Marçal, for the urgent rehabilitation and reconstruction of infrastructure affected by the disaster that occurred in eight municipalities across the country between July 2 and 7, 2023; and

    8 - urgent direct procurement procedure with Thales DIS Singapore PTE LTD for the supply of 73,150 units of ePassport booklets.
  • 25 of September of 2023Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 25th, 2023
    1 - third amendment to Law No. 3/2014 of June 18th, which established the Special Administrative Region of Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) and the Special Social Market Economy Zone of Oe-Cusse Ambeno and Ataúro.
  • 19 of September of 2023Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 19th, 2023

    1 - fourth amendment to Law no. 11/2009, of October 7th, which approves the Administrative Division of the Territory;

    2 - material resources and financial incentives for community leadership and creating the Village (Suco) administration service;

    3 - Organic Law of the Ministry of Tourism and Environment (MTE);

    4 - Organic Law of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Forests;

    5 - Organic Law of the Secretary of State for Cooperatives (SECOOP);

    6 - Organic Law of the Secretary of State for Vocational Training and Employment (SEFOPE);

    7 - authorise the negotiation and signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Hunan Province of the People's Republic of China and the Municipal Administration of Manatuto, represented by the Minister of State Administration of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste;

    8 - authorisation for the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Planning and Strategic Investment of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China on strengthening the exchange of information in the field of macroeconomic management and medium and long-term development planning;

    9 - appointment of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Tourism Authority of Timor-Leste, I.P. (ATTL, IP) and Member of the Board of Directors of ATTL, IP; e

    10 - Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Timor-Leste, represented by the Vice Prime Minister, the Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs and the Minister of Tourism and Environment, and the Government of Brunei Darussalam, for a programme to send workers from Timor-Leste to that country.
  • 13 of September of 2023Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 13th, 2023

    1 - donation of US$ 2.5 million to the Kingdom of Morocco;

    2 - Chairman of the Board of Directors and, by inherence, Chairman of the Executive Committee of TIMOR GAP, E.P. - Timor Gás & Petróleo, E.P ("TIMOR GAP");

    3 - Chairman of the Board of Directors and, by inherence, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Murak Rai Timor, E.P.;

    4 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo, I.P. (ANP);

    5 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Autoridade Nacional dos Minerais, I.P. (ANM);

    6 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Instituto de Geociências de Timor-Leste, I.P. (IGTL);

    7 - transfer of buildings in the Government Palace block;

    8 - maintain the State's contractual public interest in the execution of the public contract ref. ICB/036/MAE-2020, signed on February 16th, 2022, for the supply of solid waste collection equipment and equipment for the operation of the controlled waste landfill as part of Dili's urban solid waste management project;

    9 - names to be presented to the National Parliament for appointment as the new Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission.
  • 13 of September of 2023Government expresses solidarity with Morocco
    On behalf of the people of Timor-Leste, the Government expresses its profound solidarity with the people and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco suffering the effects of the 6.8 magnitude earthquake that occurred on September 8th
  • 06 of September of 2023Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 6th, 2023

    1 - first amendment to Government Decree No. 19/2022, of May 11th, on budget classifiers;

    2 - Organic Law of the Secretary of State for Equality.
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