Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of October 7th, 2013

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

V Constitutional Government


Díli, October 7th 2013

Press Release

Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of October 7th, 2013

The Government gathered extraordinarily, this Monday, October 7th, 2013, in the Council of Ministers’ meeting room, at the Government’s Palace, in Dili, and approved:

1. Government’s Resolution which approves the Procurement Procedure for the project for the Establishment of the National Registry

This diploma authorizes the Ministry of Justice to request, by invitation, a technical and financial proposal for the establishment of the National Registry of Timor-Leste, following the adopted specifications.

The development of the National Registry – which includes the survey and cadastral mapping of the territory, the establishment of a computerized database and the establishment of an asset evaluation’s system for taxation purposes – assumes a strategic relevance for national security, to the extent that deals with classified information. This project also assumes greater relevance to the economic and social development of the country, since it depends upon the attribution of property titles in Timor-Leste which will allow the planning and development of important economy sectors, such as agricultural and industrial sectors, as well as planning of greater national projects, such as Suai’s Logistics Base, the International Airport, the International Port, amongst others.

2. Government’s Resolution which approves the Procurement procedure for Service Provision of a Master Plan on Drawing and Detailed Drawing of three Polytechnic Institutes and an Academy of Fisheries and Maritime Studies

One of the priorities of the 5th Constitutional Government’s Program for Higher Education is the building of polytechnic institutes and an Academy of Fisheries and Maritime Studies, during its mandate.

Taking into account the importance of promptly responding to the development needs of Higher Education in Timor-Leste, and the assent of the National Procurement Commission, the Ministry of Education has scheduled, during this fiscal year, the beginning of the preparation works of the Master Plan, the Pre-Drawing and Drawing of these projects, aiming to obtain a quality service, which ensures the construction of such infrastructures.

3. Government’s Resolution appointing the Member of Parliament Carmelita Moniz to act as alternate vogue on the Superior Council of Magistrates

The Council of Ministers decided to appoint the Member of Parliament Carmelita Moniz to act as alternate vogue on the Superior Council of Magistrates.

Let us recall that the Government had already appointed the member of the Management Board, according to the Law setting the Statute of Judicial Magistrates, which gives the Government the right to appoint one member and one alternate.

4. Summary of the Second Report on the Convention for the Rights of the Child in Timor- Leste

Following the accession of Timor-Leste to the Convention for the Rights of the Child and to the Optional Protocol of the Convention for the Rights of the Child, concerning the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, the Council of Ministers approved the consolidated report – for the second and third periodic reports – presented by the Ministry of Justice.

The document covers the most important areas in which the State’s action is needed the most to protect children’s rights and the way States and international organizations accomplish the Convention.

The report’s editing process was coordinated by the Coordination Committee appointed by the Ministry of Justice, supported by fourteen focal points and different ministries and institutions involved in the Convention’s implementation. The UNICEF provided technical support to the preparation and the drawing-up of the report, as well as to National Committee for the Rights of the Child, in children consulting, at national and district levels.

5. Condition of the imported vehicles over five years old awaiting customs clearance in Dili’s Port

Dili’s Port has more than 80 seized vehicles, which Customs, in need of space, purposed to take to auction. The Council of Ministers approved the auction, whose revenues will revert to the State.

The Council of Ministers also analyzed:

  1. Execution Report of Infrastructural Fund Projects

The Ministry of Public Works presented to the Council of Ministers the Implementation Report of Infrastructural Fund Projects, by detailing the concluded projects and the ongoing ones, and from these, the execution percentage.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=9195