Meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 1st, 2013

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

V Constitutional Government


Díli, October 1st 2013

Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 1st, 2013

The Government gathered this Tuesday, October 1st, 2013, at the Council of Ministers meeting room, on the Government’s Palace, in Dili, and approved:

1. First amendment to the General Labour Inspectorate’s Statute, approved by the Decree Law n. 19/2010, of December 1st

The General Labour Inspectorate was created in 2010, to improve and strengthen the service of labour inspection across the country. Aiming to provide the institution with the necessary technical abilities to the accomplishment of its functions, its statute provided for a special career system, with five categories. Nevertheless, the transitory rule which enabled the Inspectors, under the Public Service’s general career regime, to move to the special career’s regime already created, did not exist. This diploma, thereby, creates the legal basis to enable the inspectors already working to move to the special careers’ regime.

2. Government’s Decree, approving the staff for Technical and Administrative Support Services of the Office of Prosecutor General

This Decree establishes the career of Prosecutor’s Office staff, were new vacancies are determined for each one of the career categories, as defined in the organization of the Technical and Administrative Support Services of the Office of Prosecutor General, approved by Decree Law n. 6/2010, of April 14th.

3. First amendment to the Organic of the Technical and Administrative Support Services of the Office of Prosecutor General

This amendment to Decree Law n. 6/2010, from April 14th, sets the Organic Structure of the Technical and Administrative Support Services of the Office of Prosecutor General to the new institutional reality, aiming to fit their real needs, immediately, raising the category of some support services of the Office of Prosecutor General, essential to their goals’ achievement.

By its nature, the Technical and Administrative Support Services are responsible for providing specialized technical support, institutional planning, financial and assets management, and human resources, of the Office of Prosecutor General.

4. Decree Law approving the Legal Regime of Licensing and Control of Buildings and Urbanizations

Following the approval of the legal regimes for certification and enrolment of construction firms and technical civil consulting and sole practitioners’ registration (Decree Law n. 27/2010 and Decree Law n. 26/2010, both from December 22nd), the Government intends to continue the development of legislation on urban construction.

The Legal Regime of Licensing and Control of Buildings and Urbanizations includes rules of administrative nature, defining conditions for previous approval of projects and work licensing, including its control and supervision, yet establishing the sanctions regime.
