The State Secretariat for Security (SSS), in cooperation with the State Secretariat for the Promotion of Equality (SSPE), launched, last June’s 20th and 21st, in Viqueque’s subdistrict, a training session for the members of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL), for the staff of the National Directorate of Security of Public Buildings (NDSPB) and for Firemen, under gender equality, named “Together, we rise conscience for the fight against domestic violence, promoting harmony inside family and society”.
The National Director of Civil Protection (NDCP), Domingos Pinto, on behalf of the State Secretariat for Security, referred that “through this training, the PNTL members may get a more accurate definition on gender equality, broaden their knowledge over the program’s implementation in society and they can stay themselves away from domestic violence, inside their own family”.
The representative of the State Secretariat for the Promotion of Equality, Maria Filomena Babo Martins, who has also a trainer’s role, highlighted that the National Action Plan Against Violence is based on the Law Against Domestic Violence. “According to this law’s article 14th, we can prepare a National Action Plan on combating domestic violence and gender-based violence, gathering all ministries together.”