Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on March 26, 2013

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

V Constitutional Government


Dili, March 26, 2013

Press Release

Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on March 26, 2013

The V Constitutional Government met extraordinarily this Tuesday, March 26, 2013, in the meeting room of the Council of Ministers, at the Government Palace, in Díli, having approved the following:

1. Government Resolution on the Transition of the Command of Timor-Leste National Police

The last report of the Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL) Promotions Follow-up Commission, dated February 28, 2013, informed the Government of the end of the extraordinary period of promotions with the fulfillment of the vacancies in all posts within PNTL.

The Government, which welcomes with satisfaction the efforts of the current Command in the management and training of the PNTL professionals, has decided to extend the mandates of Mr. Longuinhos Monteiro and Mr. Afonso de Jesus in their capacities as PNTL General-Commander and PNTL 2nd General-Commanders, respectively, both having the post of Commissioner, for a period of three months during which they will undertake the transfer of power to the new Command.

During these three months, the Minister of Defense and Security will select the new General-Commander and 2nd General-Commander pursuant to articles 23 and 24 of the PNTL Promotions Regime. The transitional period will end up with the appointment of the new PNTL General-Commander and 2nd General-Commander.

2. Decree-Law approving the Procurement Regime of the District’s Integrated Development Planning (PDID)

Following the approval of Decree-Law n.° 4/2012, of 15 February, on the District’s Integrated Development Planning, the Government now approves the respective Procurement Regime for the implementation of the public works projects in the districts.

The legal regime of procurement of the District’s Integrated Development Planning is aimed at ensuring a sound management of the financial resources of the State through the use of competitive, simple and transparent methods of adjudicating public works contracts, thereby encouraging economic development, entrepreneurial competition, and capacity building of civil servants at the local level.

3. Decree-Law approving the first amendment to Decree-Law establishing  the National Development Agency

Following the approval of Decree/Law that establishes the District-s Integrated Development Planning, the need arises now for the Government to amend the functions and powers of the National Development Agency in order to provide this Agency with the legal means enabling an adequate implementation of the District-s Integrated Development Planning.

The National Development Agency is therefore assigned the power to ensure the financial management of the projects integrated in the PDID and a team with the responsibility for the activities of management and implementation of public works projects is hereby established.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=7957