Government encourages reforestation in Liquiçá

On 30 January 2013, the Secretariat of State for Environment (SEMA) and the Secretariat of State for Forestry and Nature Conservation (SEFCN), together with the Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ), organized the reforestation of the summit of Pilila Mountain in Liquiçá District.

The objective of this action is to encourage university students and the youth in general, and at the same time provide civic education on environment protection during the rainy season.

“The importance of this activity corresponds to the need for civic education for university students and the youth in general insofar as the protection of nature is concerned, particularly in the district of Liquiçá, taking into account the risk of natural disasters in the rainy season. All of us are responsible for environment protection”, the Secretary of State for the Environment called upon.

In addition to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Nominando Soares, presents were the Secretary of State for Forestry and Nature Conservation, João Cardoso Fernandes, the Rector of Universidade da Paz, Lucas da Costa, and students from this university.
