The Ministry of Education organizes a meeting on the role of public servants and the development of Timor-Leste

On September 24, at the Convention Centre in Dili, the Ministry of Education (MoE) of the V Constitutional Government, met with their staff for the first time, to analyze the role of public officials in the country’s development.

At the opening of the meeting, the Minister of Education, Benedito dos Santos Freitas, stressed the importance of strengthening the institutional unity, which may be achieved through a spirit of cooperation, goodwill and dedication.

“Because it is so important, this meeting is attended by the Civil Service Commission, the Anti-Corruption Commission and the Office of the Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice, so that they can express their opinions on the issue of cooperation, for the mandate of the V Constitutional Government, ” the Minister explained.

The President of the Civil Service Commission (CFP), Libório Pereira, pointed out that according to the Constitution, it is the role of the CFP to ensure human resources for the Public Administration throughout the territory of Timor-Leste, and since the State assumes a civilist stance, the executive agency is required to impartially develop the policy for the Public Administration, despite the necessary institutional interdependence, and the freedom of opinion of each individual, which is also guaranteed by the Constitution.

“Please recall that there is a need to consolidate and strengthen the coordination in the Ministry of Education. The CFP is committed to help protect their employees, but the employees, in return, have to show willingness to uphold the ethic principles. At the same time, the four core competencies needed to provide a good service – namely the competence to teach, the competence of being methodical, the competence of being pedagogical and the linguistic competence – need to be present, and CFP, is once again, committed to support all the efforts that the Ministry of Education needs to coordinate, “said the President of CFP.

The officials of the Ministry of Education, the General Director, the National, Regional, and District Directors, the School Superintendents and the School Inspectors participated in this event.
