Five-Years Mandate: Positive Balance

The Parliamentary Majority Alliance (AMP) has governed Timor-Leste for the past five years. Comprised of five political parties and under the leadership of Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, the IV Constitutional Government has led the young country towards development and prosperity.

The achievements of this Government have been numerous, including the following nine short-term priorities listed in the IV Constitutional Government’s program:

Some of these achievements promised by the IV Constitutional Government at the beginning of its mandate seemed almost impossible to fulfill (as predicted by some national and international observers).

However, in addition to these initial short-term priorities, there have been many other significant works undertaken or planned by the Government. These can be read in the publication: Goodbye Conflict, Welcome Development – AMP Government Snapshot (2007-2012)”. One achievement of paramount importance to National development has been the construction of the Hera Power Plant, providing electricity to the country. Another highlight has been the establishment and consolidation of institutions and systems contributing to the effective management of the oil sector.

To access the electronic version of the book, click here.

Overall, the work of the IV Constitutional Government has contributed to the reduction of the national poverty rate by 9%.

In the introduction to the Snapshot publication mentioned above, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao wrote:

“As Prime Minister, I am particularly pleased to know that we have not let our people down. After five years of AMP governance we have fulfilled the primary desires of the Timorese people, that is, to live in peace, free from political persecution, free from insecurity, and free from threats to human rights, along with the recognition of the people’s sacrifices. The people of Timor-Leste now live in peace and have been building the State, together with the bodies of sovereignty and civil society, in accordance with the democratic principles set forth in the Constitution.”

Whether from a national or an international perspective, it can be said that Timor-Leste has made great strides towards building a brighter future.

Yet the Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, now turns his attention towards the future:

“If you ask me to make a balance of these five years of governance, I must say in all honesty that my balance is a positive one. Currently, our major commitment for the future is reducing Timor-Leste’s dependency on its petroleum revenues. Although these funds have been growing constantly, we want to build an economy that is strong and competitive in non-oil sectors. With the strategies set forth in the Strategic Development Plan for 2011-2030, and with the continuation of the current economic policy, Timor-Leste can look forward to a much stronger economy and a much more prosperous Nation.”

To read the speech, click here.
