Council of Ministers Meeting on May 29, 2012




Council of Ministers Meeting on May 29, 2012

The Council of Ministers met on Tuesday, May 29, 2012, in the Council of Ministers Meeting Room at the Government Palace in Dili, where they received the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Timor-Leste, Ameerah Haq, who soon ends her mission in Timor-Leste.

Ameerah Haq officially said goodbye to the Council, giving her reflections on the country, on the performance of the IV Constitutional Government and the partnership the Government shared with the United Nations (UN).

Members of the Government thanked the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for the projects developed over her two and a half years in Timor-Leste.

The Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, congratulated Ameerah Haq and thanked her for her support, promising to continue developing the work undertaken by the United Nations in building the country.

At this meeting, the Council of Ministers approved:

1. Decree-Law establishing the National Centre for Professional Training – Becora

The National Centre for Professional Training – Becora is a Public Institute, endowed with administrative and financial autonomy and its own patrimony.

Within the ten years of its existence, the Center has successfully met its objective to promote and foster the training of qualified professional human resources, support socio-economic development through the strengthening of professional educational and enhance entrepreneurs’ practices.

The National Centre for Professional Training – Becora was created through the Technical Cooperation Agreement established with the Brazilian Government in 2002 for Enterprise Development, Professional Training and Social Promotion in Timor-Leste. The Centre has been run in partnership with the Secretariat of State of Professional Training and Employment (SEFOPE), the National Service of Industrial Apprenticeship – SENAI and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil. Now, it will continue its work, administered by the members of Government responsible for Professional Training.

2. Decree-Law that approves the remuneration of the Supervisory Board members of the National Intelligence System

This diploma determines the daily remuneration given for each day of actual activity for the Supervisory Board members of the National Intelligence System (SNI).

The Supervisory Board is composed of three members who must carry out their cumulative mandate of five years with their professional activities. The function of the SNI Supervisory Board is to monitor and supervise the activities of the intelligence services, ensuring compliance with the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the law, and especially, to maintain the respect for rights, freedoms and guarantees of citizens.

3. Decree-Law approving the first amendment to Law no. ° 11/2008 of 30 July

This Decree-Law proceeds to extend the transitional period provided for in Article 68.° of the legal regime of private law and training of lawyers.

This amendment aims to respond to delays in training future lawyers. The extension of the transitional period is intended to ensure access to training for a number of lawyers who can meet the needs of the judicial system, thereby promoting access to the law by citizens.

The procedure is also to amend the rules concerning the composition and support services of the Board of Management and Discipline of Law, seeking to equip this body with the necessary conditions for its effective functioning.

4. Decree-Law establishing the Bamboo Centre of Timor-Leste, E.P.

The Bamboo Center of Timor-Leste has been operating since 2008 and under the coordination of the Institute for Business Development Support (IADE), it has produced a diversified range of high-quality products made from Bamboo with clear market expansion.

As it was a successful pilot experience and in recognition of its vital contribution to stimulating economic activity in the country, it is now necessary to endow the center its autonomy through the creation of a public company, equipped with an efficient structure and management to promote the market expansion of products made from bamboo, not only for national consumption but also for export purposes.

5. Decree-Law that approves the new Statutes of the Institute for Business Development Support (IADE)

Following the structural reforms to the private sector of the economy that the IV Constitutional Government has streamlined, the Council of Ministers approved the Statutes of the Institute for Business Development Support (IADE), providing it with administrative support, finances and property.

The IADE’s mission is to support development and provide training and business training for the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and cooperatives of Timor-Leste.

6. Decree-Law establishing the National Rehabilitation Center, I.P.

The National Rehabilitation Center, Public Institute (CNR, I.P.) aims to promote the rehabilitation of disabled persons by providing specialized services, as well as the inclusion and promotion of their rights, to ensure equal opportunities, the non-discrimination and participation of people with disabilities in all areas of social life.

The CNR, I.P. is endowed with administrative and financial autonomy and its own resources in order to perform its duties with independence and impartiality, under the auspices of the state offices responsible for Social Services.

7. Resolution of the Government recognizing the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Timor-Leste

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of Timor is a nonprofit civil association with a legal character that represents the economic sector, and acts as a participatory coordination center between the Government and the private sector.

8. Government Decree approving the Uniform Rules of the F-FDTL

The Ministry of Defence and Security, through the Secretariat of State for Defence, now has its Uniform Rules of F-FDTL approved. This Decree originates from the need to take an important step for the development of the F-FDTL’s cohesion and discipline and also serves as a way to facilitate logistical support for the distribution of uniforms.

The Regulation adopted by the Council of Ministers comprises the description of the various uniforms, describing the various articles and pieces, how to use them, when each should be used, and the correct way of using different type of badge. The regulation defines the Army and Navy uniforms in accordance with traditions of the F-FDTL.

9. Resolution to appoint the Executive Coordinator of SERVE

Given the need to promote the administration and management of the Enterprise Registry and Verification Service (SERVE) and the integration of the New System of Registration, the Council of Ministers approved the appointment of Cosme F. B. da Silva as Executive Coordinator of SERVE, for a period of two years.

10. Decree-Law that approves the Financial Incentives Regime for Community Leaders

The Ministry of State Administration and Territorial Planning proposed to the Council of Ministers a system of financial incentives to community leaders. It was designed to support the Heads of Suco, and members of the Suco Council, to perform their functions and enable a smooth and orderly functioning of the suco.

Therefore, the Council of Ministers approved for the Heads of Suco, an amount of $115 U.S. dollars, and the Heads of Village, an amount of $80 U.S. dollars, allocated proportionally according to their duties.

11. Government Resolution approving the Inter-ministerial Committee to Oversee the Implementation of the National Action Plan on Gender-based violence

The National Action Plan on Gender-based Violence was developed in accordance with national laws and international commitments made by Timor-Leste. The Council of Ministers approved the creation of an Inter-ministerial Commission to assist in the definition, coordination and monitoring of the National Action Plan.

This Committee will be coordinated by the Secretary of State for the Promotion of Equality and composed of a representative of the Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice as well as three representatives of civil society, each originating from a particular area of strategic focus of the National Action Plan on Gender-based Violence.

12. Decree-Law that approves the Distribution Lines of Electricity

This decree regulates the special procedures for the award of contracts for the rehabilitation and installation of new lines of electricity distribution in values between $100,000 to $ 4.5 million U.S. dollars, in the districts and sub-districts.

13. Decree-Law on the Control of Exports of Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

After the ratification of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol for the reduction of substances that deplete the ozone layer, Timor-Leste must implement into national law its guidelines to promote and encourage adopting measures to protect the ozone layer.

This Decree-Law is to establish the rules for the licensing of imports and exports of substances that deplete the ozone layer in order to protect the environment and its implementation in the legal system of the country

The Council of Ministers also analyzed:

1. Report of the Central Bank

Following the presentation of the report on the Timor-Leste financial sector by the Governor of Central Bank, at the Council of Ministers on May 2, Abraão de Vasconcelos returned to the Council of Ministers to present the position of the Country withint he context of Evaluation recommendations made by the Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering in Timor-Leste.

The document makes an assessment of the Legal and Institutional System and discusses preventive measures aimed at financial and nonfinancial institutions and forms of national and international cooperation towards a sustainable development of the sector in Timor-Leste.

The Council of Ministers approved the responses to the report prepared by the Central Bank and authorized the institution to officially present the document in the Asia-Pacific Group on Anty-Money Laundering, representing the Timorese State.


This 16.a. Ordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers in 2012 was the last meeting of the Council of Ministers of the IV Constitutional Government.

In an emotional farewell, the Prime Minister acknowledged the work and dedication of members of the Government during the term which began almost five years ago.

Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão made ​​a working visit to Darwin, Australia, where he received the Honorary Doctorate from the University of Charles Darwin, returning to Timor-Leste on June 1, followed by the preparation work of the parliamentary elections. During the election period, given the absence of the Prime Minister because of the election campaign, the Secretary of State of the Council of Ministers, Agio Pereira, was appointed as the Government Coordinator.
