Government inaugurates Municipal Stadium and Gymnasium

On Friday, April 27, 2012 the Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, inaugurated the renovated buildings of the Municipal Stadium and the Gymnasium.

The ceremony began with a visit by the Prime Minister and Government members to the stadium structures, which was followed by the signing of the minutes and then the symbolic key was delivered to the Government by the Fitun Diak and Mondias construction companies. The Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Youth and Sport, Miguel Manetelo, signed the inauguration plates.

“The reconstruction was done in two phases, using the 2011 and 2012” budget, said Manetelo.

The Secretary of State for Youth and Sports took the opportunity to thank the Head of Government for help in completion of the work, and he thanked the Fitun Diak company, which repaired the field and the Mondias company, responsible for the gym. Manetelo highlighted the fact that they had been able to produce a quality work resulting in trust and confidence and hoped that in the future there would be additional mutual cooperation in the country’s development process.

Miguel Manetelo also thanked the media for its coverage of the project since the outset of the reconstruction and renovation process. The media coverage resulted in the Government and the Secretary of State for Youth and Sport responding by equipping the buildings for young people to better express their talents.

After the opening ceremony, a football competition took place between a team of Veterans and a team comprised of members of the Government. 100 and 400 meter runs took place between junior athletes from the “August the 30th Club” and the Timor-Leste Athletics Federation. This last race also served as preparation for the athletes to participate in the national team which will compete in the upcoming London Olympics.
