Government Results Portal launched

The Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste

Díli, April 24, 2012

Government Results Portal launched

The Government Results Portal has been launched completing Timor-Leste’s world-class suite of online transparency tools. Joining the Budget Transparency Portal, the eProcurement Portal and the Aid Transparency Portal, the new Results Portal will allow citizens to track the progress of the country’s major projects. Minister of Finance, Her Excellency Emilia Pires explained at its launch “the portal shows outcomes information for some of the most important Government targets, projects and programs” and “importantly links goals with budget information per fiscal year.”

Building a full chain of accountability into Public Financial Management has been a high priority of the Gusmão Government. This chain has three main parts.

The first deals with the revenue that flows to the Government. Natural resource revenues are dealt with through EITI protocols with comprehensive disclosure. Timor-Leste was the third country in the world to be awarded EITI compliance status in July 2010 and the Government is recognized by the Revenue Watch Index as having “comprehensive revenue transparency”. Domestic Revenues collected by Government are thoroughly reported in the Budget Portal, updated daily and are detailed in Budget Books available online. Now with the Aid Portal there is online disclosure of the contributions and project details of donors and NGOs.

The second part of the chain deals with Government expenditure. The Budget Portal comprehensively reports on this area with information updated daily down to project level. Expenditure is also detailed in Budget Books. With the addition of the eProcurement Portal citizens now have even more access to information with the ability to view contract tenders, details about who wins a tender and details on projects and costs.

With the launch of the Results Portal we have the final part of the chain. This Portal answers the question “What is the result of Government expenditure?” What was achieved? What was the outcome? The Portal has been prepared as a priority resource for the people of Timor-Leste as the policies and major investments of the Strategic Development Plan are implemented in the coming years.

Minister Pires explained “the Portal is based on our national Strategic Plan so people will be able to monitor how projects are progressing and how they are contributing to the goals we have set for Timor-Leste.” Information can be analyzed by Goal, Objective and Target. Citizens, donors, NGOs and people internationally are able to visit the portal to see a whole range of information for each target and project, including the purpose of projects, graphs of physical and financial progress, and photos to show what is being achieved.

Information in the Government Results Portal is divided into 10 segments including fund, institution, location and sector, to make it easier for users to find and view information. Visitors can also choose to view all projects or search for particular information and are able to export data from the website.

Major reforms since 2007 are evidence of the Gusmão Government’s commitment to serve the people of Timor-Leste with transparency and accountability. Along with the establishment of the Anti Corruption Commission, the Civil Service Commission and new audit bodies, the four portals, together forming the Timor-Leste Transparency Portal are a precious legacy to future generations of Timorese.

Spokesperson Ágio Pereira noted “the Gusmão Government has been, and will continue to be working to build systems and institutions of enduring value for the people of Timor-Leste.  Our congratulations to the Ministry of Finance for bringing to fruition these innovative tools in support of Government policy born of respect and service for the people of our Nation.”
