Council of Ministers Meeting from April 4, 2012




Council of Ministers Meeting on April 4, 2012

The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, April 4, 2012, in the Council of Ministers Meeting Room at the Government Palace in Díli and approved:

1. Government Resolution appointing a Commissioner of the Public Service Commission

The Council of Ministers accepted the resignation of  Abel “Larisina” Ximenes’s as Commissioner of the Public Service Commission and appointed Abel dos Santos Fátima to serve for a term of exclusive dedication until August 12, 2014, as Commissioner of the Public Service Commission. Meanwhile, the President of the Public Service Commission formally handed the Prime Minister the 2011 Annual Activity Report of the Public Service Commission.

2. Decree-Law that approves the Organic Law of the Court Support Staff

The Support Staff are intendeing to provide administrative services of the Court of Appeals, including the Chamber of Accounts of the High Administrative, Tax and Audit Court, District Courts and the Superior Council for the Judiciary, allowing the President of the Court of Appeals, as the head of the courts, be able to effectively and efficiently manage the budget, human resources and assets assigned to the Courts.

The proper functioning of this organ of sovereignty and each of its component units allows citizens who use the courts to have their disputes decided as fairly, quickly and as efficiently as possible.

To ensure autonomy in the management of the courts, due to the independence of that sovereign body, the leading positions of the support services of the courts are reserved for judges, as it was under UNTAET Regulation 11/2000, as amended by UNTAET 25/2001, which provided for the establishment of the judge administrator.

3. First amendment to Decree-Law on Decentralized Development Programs I and II

Decentralized Development Programs I and II were approved by Decree-Law n.o 18/2011 of May 6 and represent an essential standard for strengthening the economy in the districts and to encourage the emergence and development of local businesses for construction and rehabilitation of infrastructure in the districts.

The evaluation of the implementation of similar programs in previous years has resulted in changes to ensure effective execution and have informedwith the relevant legislative improvements.

In this context, this diploma was approved that includes an amendment to the rules relating to payments relating to the Decentralized Development Programs I and II which willallow  better control of financial management.

The Council of Ministers also analyzed:

1. Yellow Road Presentation

The Ministry of Finance submitted to the Council of Ministers the results achieved in 2011 and 2012 as well as the projects outlined for the future, both at the financial level and at the level of practical implementation, based on the objectives set by the Government.

The Yellow Road is a tool created by the IV Constitutional Government, involving the entire Executive, to ensure the coordination and feasibility of the projects identified in the Annual Action Plans, the National Priorities, the Millennium Development Goals and Vision 2020, in order to meet the Strategic Development Plan targets.

2. Presentation of the Websites: Government Results Portal and Aid Transparency Portal

The Ministry of Finance presented to the Council of Ministers the two portals launched during the Yellow Road workshop, which took place on April 2 in Díli. These two portals (Aid Transparency Portal and Government Results Portal) are included in the Timor-Leste Transparency Portal, which will, therefore,  now result in a total of  four portals: Aid Transparency Portal, Government Results Portal, Budget Transparency Portal and eProcurement Portal.

The Aid Transparency Portal contains information provided by development partners for the Platform of Management of External Aid, established by the Ministry of Finance, to manage and concentrate all information on this matter. This portal can be found on the Internet through the Transparency Portal ( or directly (

The Government Results Portal, created with a structure and content based on the Strategic Development Plan (SDP), aims to allow the monitoring of the development of ongoing projects and sets out the these projects are helping to achieve the major goals designed by the Government for the country. This Portal is available on the Internet through the Transparency Portal ( or directly (

3. Presentation of the Government Radio Program Portal

The Government Radio Program “Goodbye Conflict, Welcome Development” takes place on the Internet at

The program under the responsibility of the Government is broadcast weekly on Radio Timor-Leste – RTL, national radio. Over one hour – in Tétum on Tuesdays and in Portuguese on Fridays – the program reports on the Government’s activities and the main issues discussed in the National Parliament, with interviews, news, programs and press releases. The Program Portal is now accessible via the Internet which allows for wider dissemination and an international audience.
