Launch of new Aid Transparency Portal

On April 2, 2012 the Minister of Finance Emília Pires launched, , the Aid Transparency Portal to line ministries at the Yellow Road Workshop.Aid Transparency Portal is a publicly-accessible internet tool. It presents data that development partners have entered into the Ministry’s new Aid Management Platform, which now forms the central repository for all aid information in Timor-Leste.

Minister of Finance Emília Pires said this new website and system would help improve aid management, and especially the accuracy and predictability of aid reporting.

“Better reporting means we can make sure assistance provided is more efficient and effective”, she said. “It can also help the Government prepare quality State Budgets that respond to the needs of our citizens.”

Minister Pires noted that development partner agencies also need information on the activities of other development partners operating in Timor-Leste, so they can better coordinate efforts, reduce overlap and address priorities more effectively.

“Aid Transparency Portal, and the system behind it, has been customised to meet our needs and make it more useful,” Minister Pires said.

“People will be able to use the site to review foreign aid projects, generate charts, graphs and maps to monitor vital trends and statistics, and produce reports on public development spending. Most importantly it encourages even better coordination with donors.”

The Portal can be accessed

Information entered into the Aid Management Platform system will be provided by development partners and then validated by both Government and development partners. This information will then be available for all development partners and Government to assess and review.

The Ministry of Finance, through the National Directorate for Aid Effectiveness, oversees aid management and coordination in Timor-Leste. The National Directorate for Aid Effectiveness is continuing to work closely with all development partners on entering and validating data in the system.

Aid Management Platform has been developed with support from the Government of Japan, Australia and the Asian Development Bank.
