Government decrees National Mourning for the death of Francisco Xavier do Amaral

On March 6, 2012, aged 75, died at the National Hospital Guido Valadares, in Dili, Francisco Xavier do Amaral.

Francisco Xavier do Amaral was on November 28, 1975, the Proclaimer of Independence of Timor-Leste and subsequently was sworn in as President of the Republic.

It was always a fighter for national independence, he was deprived of his liberty and, Timor-Leste, recognizing him as one of the Prominent Figures in the Struggle for the Liberation and Independence of the country now regrets his death.

The Government at a extraordinaire meeting of the Council of Ministers, decreed three days of National Mourning, up to 18h on March 8, and presented the condolences to the entire country, particularly to the bereaved family, the ASDT Party militants and to the population.

On the 6, the body of Francisco Xavier do Amaral will be at his residence situated in the Lighthouse neighborhood, on the 7 will pass through the National Parliament and thence to the Hall of the Palace of the President. The funeral will be held Thursday, March 8, followed by a procession from the Dili Cathedral to the Garden of Heroes in Metinaro.

To see the press release, please, click here.
