g7 + Technical Meeting on the Action Plan and implementation of the New Deal in 2012

Timor-Leste, as leader of the fragile states that are arranged in the g7 +, took the initiative to organize a meeting between the 19 member countries with the theme “Looking Forward Planning Session” held on January between 25 and 28, at the Ministry of Finance.

The meeting aims to discuss the plan for operational development of the New Deal in 2012, specifically on consolidating the work of the g7 + with respect to the Peace and State Building, developing indicators and strategies to be presented at the 67th General Assembly of the United Nations in September 2012, in order to adopt the New Deal as a resolution. Thus the g7 + can achieve the Millennium Development Goals.

This meeting of the g7 + intends to form two working groups: one to monitor the socialization in the international community as well as the content of the definition of the spectrum of frailty, and another for the implementation of the New Deal agreement in the pilot countries of the g7 + such as Timor-Leste, Liberia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea-Bissau, South Sudan, Afghanistan and its international partners.

The result of this meeting will serve as a guide in monitoring the implementation of the New Deal in 2012.

This meeting, organized by the Secretariat of the g7 + in Timor-Leste, and this is expected the participation of representatives from over ten countries in the g7 +: Liberia, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, Solomon Islands, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan South, Guinea-Bissau, Chad and Somalia, as well as representatives of the World Bank, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Overseas Development Institute (ODI).

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=6383