Timor-Leste took g7+ agenda to High Level Forum in Busan

The delegation from East Timor, led by Finance Minister, Emilia Pires, brought the agendas of the g7 + nations to the High-Level Forum in Busan, South Korea, on 28 and 29 November 2011.

The topics to be addressed at the meeting, which had already been agreed between the members of g7 +, were the following: the frailty, the indicators on the Objectives for Peace and State Building, governance of the g7 +, communication strategies and the role of g7 + in the High-Level Forum in Busan.

The nineteen nations that make up the g7 + are: East Timor, Afghanistan, Burundi, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Solomon Islands, Liberia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Central African, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Southern Sudan, Chad and Togo.

The speakers at this meeting were the Minister of Finance of Timor-Leste, the Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs of Liberia, Togo’s Minister of Finance and the Minister of Economy and Finance in Southern Sudan, who shared the experiences of their countries on weaknesses, developments and difficulties.

After this general meeting, the Minister of Finance of Timor-Leste, Emilia Pires – President of the g7+ – held a meeting with the members and delegations of the g7 + to share ideas and information on the progress made and challenges encountered in nation building.

Emilia Pires, along with the World Bank Vice President for Operations and Country Services Policy, Joachim von Amsberg, the representative of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Nancy Lindbrog and the Coordinator of the ACPPP (African Civil Society Platform) Secretariat, Paul Okumu, were speakers at the discussion of the topic “Frailty, Conflict and Vulnerabilityā€¯.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=6261