Council of Ministers Meeting of October 26, 2011





Council of Ministers Meeting from October 26, 2011


The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, October 26, 2011, in the Council of Ministers Meeting Room, at the Government Palace, in Díli and approved:

1. Government Resolution appointing the Chairman of the Board of Directors of RTTL

The Secretariat of State of the Council of Ministers, which is responsible for overseeing the mass media communication bodies of the State, presented to the Council of Ministers a proposal that nominates the Chairman of the Board Directors of Radio and Television of Timor-Leste.

Therefore, the Council of Ministers, taking into account the recognized technical and professional capacity, particularly in the area of media in general and the need to consolidate the company’s governing bodies, approved the appointment of Expedito Dias Ximenes as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Radio and Television of Timor-Leste, E.P..

2. Decree-Law approving the First Amendment to the Decree-Law No. 9 / 2010 of June 21 on Medical Care Abroad

    The Decree-Law No. 9 / 2010, which regulates medical assistance abroad, defines the Ministry of Health to provide for the payment of associated expenses.

    Given that all these expenses represent costs regarding accommodation, food and travel, issuing passports and visas, in addition to costs directly related to the payment of health care, the Government understands that payment of these expenses not only meets the requirements of public health care, but also assistance and social support.

    Thus, the Council of Ministers approved the amendment of Article 13, which now allows that, upon fundamented request of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Social Solidarity may proceed in the joint undertaking of this financing, within the extent of its financial resources.

    3. Resolution Granting Half Day Off

    Since All Saints Day, November 1, which corresponds, in Christian liturgy, to the celebration in honor of all saints and martyrs, and All Souls’ Day, November 2, are national holidays, the Council of Ministers decided to grant half day off, to allow public servants to return from the districts to their place of work.

    Thus, half day off is awarded in the morning of November 3, 2011, Thursday, covering all public servants and agents of the ministries or services dependent on them, as well as institutes and organizations integrated in the indirect administration of the State.

    4. Decided to take a vote of solidarity and sympathy

    Taking into account the recent earthquake in Turkey, and the torrential rains that left a trail of death and destruction in this country and in Thailand, Philippines, Italy, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Cambodia, the Council of Ministers, as an act of solidarity and fraternity (fundamental principles enshrined in the Constitution of Timor-Leste) decided to approve a vote of solidarity and sympathy to all victims and families of these natural disasters.

