Timor-Leste presents the global Peacebuilding and Statebuilding Goals at the World Bank IMF 2011 Annual Meeting

The Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste


Díli, September 30, 2011

Timor-Leste presents the global Peacebuilding and Statebuilding Goals at the World Bank IMF 2011 Annual Meeting

The Prime Minister of Timor-Leste H.E. Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão showed his support for the global initiative his country leads (the g7+) and co-chairs (the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding) as the Minister of Finance H.E Emilia Pires, the chair of the g7+ and the co-chair of the Dialogue, presented the newly launched Peacebuilding and Statebuilding Goals (PSGs) to participants spanning globe at the 2011 World Bank IMF Annual Meeting. The PSGs are intended to precede the Millennium Development Goals in countries affected by conflict and fragility.

“Critical to building sustainable peace is being able to deliver services to our People. In order to deliver services to our People, we must either strengthen or build strong State institutions. This is Peacebuilding and Statebuilding. The Peacebuilding and Statebuilding Goals were created to stop conflict, build nations and end poverty” said Pires, Chair of the g7+, some 17 fragile and conflict affected countries who assembled for the first time in history in 2010 for advocacy of amongst other things, Peacebuilding, Statebuilding and changing the way aid is managed and delivered in the conflict affected setting.

The five objectives and concurrent goals include Political Inclusivity (A State for All), Citizen Security (Safety for All), Justice (Equity for All), Economic Foundations (Jobs for All -so all citizens have a role in Statebuilding) and Revenue and Resource Management (Services for All).

Minister Pires announced to the audience of donors and global leaders “Together we will build Peace using the Trust Principles and build States using the Focus Principles.”

TRUST Principles between donors and recipient countries include two way Transparency, Risk (shared and mutual), Using country systems, Strengthening capacity and Time (ensuring aid predictability). FOCUS Principles include a new process to build strong States with partners in development using first the: Fragility Spectrum (For a nation to identify its own stage of fragility) then, One vision, one plan, next Compacts (between donors and partner countries for implementation), whilst Using the PSGs to measure and monitor progress and Supporting political dialogue to ensure ongoing inclusivity.

The content of the Objectives and Goals along with the Trust and Focus Principles were agreed amongst representatives of some 40 countries in the International Dialogue including the g7+ member countries, representatives from donors countries like the US, UK, Canada, the EU and Australia and members from donor organizations like the United Nations, the World Bank and Civil Society Organizations.

The PSG’s form the New Deal for aid in conflict affected and fragile countries which will be presented at the Fourth High Level Forum of Aid Effectiveness in November held in Busan, South Korea.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=5813