2935 civil servants were sworn in by the Public Service Commission

From July 20 to 22, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) swore in a total of 2935 employees, hired in the districts of Lautém, Viqueque, Baucau and Manatuto.

“It is with great joy that the Civil Service Commission, along with the bodies of several ministries, was present in the districts of Lautém, Baucau and Viqueque to convert temporary employees to permanent civil servants, as has happened in the district of Dili on July 1, this year, with six thousand employees”, highlighted the CSC President Libório Pereira.

Libório Pereira also said that the completion of the conversion process is based on Government policy, through Government Resolution No 42/2010 of November 17, an initiative that emerged from a study made by the Civil Service Commission together with the structures of public administration. According to Law No. 5 / 2009 of July 15, that ammends the Civil Service Act, employees see their rights and duties regulated in order to work with responsibility, dedication, nationalism and a patriotic spirit in performing their duties for the State.

The Lautém District Administrator, Jeferino Pereira, thanked the willingness of the government, through the Public Service Commission President, in the decision to transfer 645 temporary staff into permanent employees, where, for him, this was an historic day.

The Viqueque district administrator, Francisco Guterres, used the opportunity to request, to the newly sworn officers, to comply with the contents of the oath, pledging obedience to the State and Government, not only in words but also in concrete actions.

“The Government shows confidence in you by passing you from temporary employee status to permanent employees. This same Government, year after year, has your commitment and calls on all to have the initiative to put your questions to the Director, in order to correct possible flaws in the administration. From my part, I just ask that, in the quality of servants of the State and an integrated part of an engine, adapt and define your position as pieces of the machine that is the State. Commit your selves not ot malfunction the engine but rather strive to serve the people, “advised the Baucau district Administrator, Antonio Guterres.

Elvino Bonaparte do Rego, Manatuto District Administrator, noted that “the commitments expressed in the oath should be transformed into actions to strengthen our State towards development, without discrimination, and guided only by the principles cited in the Law. We will try to implement this commitment because we are the State machine. “

The sworn officers in the Lautém (July 20), and Viqueque (July 21) districts are respectively 645 and 759. On July 22 it was the turn of the Baucau and Manatuto districts with a total of 1085  in the first and 446 in the second.

Participaram na cerimónia da tomada de posse, o Presidente da Comissão da Função Pública, Libório Pereira, a Comissária Isabel da Costa Ferreira, o Comissário Abel Ximenes, os Directores-Gerais dos Ministérios e Secretarias de Estado relevantes e os Administradores dos distritos.

The President of the Civil Service Commission, Libório Pereira, Commissioner Isabel da Costa Ferreira, the Commissioner Abel Ximenes, the Directors-General of the relevant Ministries and State Secretariats and the relevant districts Administrators attended the inauguration ceremony.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=5413