Council of Ministers meeting of June 15, 2011





Council of Ministers meeting of June 8, 2011

This Wednesday, June 15, 2011, the Council of Ministers met at the Council of Ministers’ meeting room in the Government Palace, Díli, and approved:

1. Decree-Law that approves the Curriculum Plans for Implementation of the Basic Education Curriculum

This diploma approves the curriculum plan for the 3rd Cycle Basic Education, authorizes the ministerial approval of curriculum programs and establishes the set of rules governing the implementation of the entire basic education curriculum, according to what is already in place for primary teaching, in a way to ensure the consistency and compliance with the guidelines of the Base Law for Education, in relation to the content and goals of the Curricular Programs of each of the three basic education cycles. This diploma also defines the curriculum for the 1st and 2nd basic education cycles.

It should be noted that for the elaboration of the Curriculum Program of the 3rd Cycle (Primary School), the Ministry of Education counted with the collaboration of UNICEF and the University of Minho, Portugal, that is, efforts were joined with the knowledge of Timorese experts and connoisseurs of the best practices international in this area.

In addition to the official languages, the diploma also stresses the importance of making use of the national languages, as well as the appropriateness of the curriculum to the social and cultural environments of students and their experiences, their age and level of cognitive development, based on the recognition of a gradual learning.

2. Government Resolution on Institutional Communications between the United Nations Organization, its agencies, the European Union and the Timorese State Institutions

Language is an essential factor for the construction of the Nation’s identity, for the assertion of State Institutions, and a decisive element for cohesion and national unity. The standardized use of language allows not only for an unequivocal and fluid communication between the Timorese State Institutions, but also with the international organizations that work to support the development in the Country.

Given that Timor-Leste has adopted the Tétum and Portuguese languages as Official Languages, and that there are difficulties of communication with international organizations working in the country due to the use of non-official languages (when many work in the official language of other countries where they operate), the Council of Ministers calls on international organizations and agencies, namely the United Nations, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the European Union, to promote, immediately and by all means, the systematic use of Timor-Leste’s Official Languages.

Tétum language courses will be implemented for international advisers and consultants, in the various State Institutions.

All Ministries must take the necessary measures for the use of Tétum and Portuguese, namely in regards to inter-ministerial communication, communication with the United Nations, its agencies, the European Union and UNDP.

The Council of Ministers also analyzed:

1. National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change in Timor-Leste

Due to its recent history, Timor-Leste has limited knowledge of the likely impacts of climate change in the country. It is estimated, however, that along with its neighbors in South East Asia and Pacific, Timor-Leste will face significant challenges. It is considered that in particular the country’s vulnerability to climate change will intensify due to its high dependence on natural resources, limited availability of infrastructure and institutional capacity.

This National Action Program for Adaptation (NAPA) was prepared in accordance with the guidelines from the Group of Least Developed Countries (GLDC), set up under United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Six working groups were created: Food Security, Water, Health, Disaster, Infrastructure and Biodiversity, with members from various sectors of the government, universities, national and international NGOs, donors, private sector and international organizations and youth. It should be noted that consultations were conducted at the district level, focusing particularly on Baucau, Bobonaro, Ermera, Manufahi and Oe-Cussi Ambeno. The agricultural and water sectors proved to be the most affected by climatic changes.

The vision outlined in the PANA is intended to make the Timorese people more resilient to climate change, recognizing their great vulnerability in an economy dominated by subsistence agriculture. The proposed measures aim to reduce the adverse effects of climate change and promote sustainable development.

2. Project on Economics of Coffee in Timor-Leste

This project, presented to the Council of Ministers by the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry, aims at improving the management of coffee, which is a major export products of Timor-Leste. The adoption of effective measures could lead to a reduction of the trade deficit, and consequently, improve the position of Timor-Leste trade deficit.
