Meeting of the Council of Ministers, 9th of February of 2011





Meeting of the Council of Ministers, 9th of February of 2011

The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, 9th of February of 2011, in the Council of Ministers Meeting Room, in the Government Palace and approved:

1. Action Plan for the creation of the Timor-Leste Investment and Development National Bank

The Council of Ministers approved the Action Plan for the next few months concerning the creation of Timor-Leste Investment and Development National Bank. This Action Plan comes from the work that has been developed for the creation of this institution, an objective expressed in the IV Constitutional Government Program, where it can be read that the National Development Bank will be a “financial instrument to support a Model of Sustainable Economic Development for Timor-Leste, of public capital majority”.

2. Resolution that approves the concession of the site for the construction of the Hospital of Hope

The long term lease of the former Portuguese Hospital (also known as Dr. António Carvalho), in Lahane, is granted for the edification of the future Timor-Leste Hospital of Hope (HOH).

Besides the planned health services that will be provided, initially by professionals from Australia and other countries, this project also has the objective to promoting professional training to Timorese that can take up the management of the HOH and provide due clinical services.

The Council of Ministers also analysed:

1. Project of Decree-Law that approves the National Health Institution for Continuous Training and Professional Improvement (INFCAPS)

The present project intends to transform the Health Sciences Institute (ICS) into the National Health Institution for Continuous Training and Professional Improvement, focussed on on-the-job training of the health professionals, and where the basic training will be under the responsibility of establishments that possaes the vocation for it.

The ICS, created in 2005, is a personalized Service of the Ministry of Health, with the mission of continuous training and higher non-academic technical education of health professionals. The approval of the UNTL statutes, in 2010, determines that the ICS will be altered in order to integrate the UNTL university level courses.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health has seen the need for continuous training of its health professionals, in order to guarantee the improvement of care services, taking into account the strategic development needs of the sector, in the medium and long term, thus the necessity to present this proposal for transforming the ICS into the INFCAPS.

2. Decree-Law project on the Organic Structure for the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry (MTCI)

Two years after the approval of Decree-Law no.7/2007, of the 4th of June – which established the MTCI organic, in the sequence of the IV Constitutional Government  Organic Structure, and according to the social and economic conditions at the time – it is important to adjust the organizational structure of the Ministry to the country’s new reality. A strong development in the external and domestic development has been verified which, just as with Tourism, has more than tripled. The rates of small and medium sized industries, especially those connected to civil construction, are positive.

Thus, the management of human resources and materials resulting from new responsibilities in the public supply of the country and inherent to logistics reorganization, point to the need to reorganize and adapt the MTCI services and structure.
