Council of Ministers Meeting 1st December 2010





Council of Ministers Meeting 1st December 2010

The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, 1st December 2010, in the Meeting Room of the Council of Ministers, in the Government Palace, in Díli, and approved:

1. Appointment of the Rector of the Timor Lorosa’e National University

The Council of Ministers, by way of secret vote process, has elected Dr. Aurélio Guterres to the position of Rector of the Timor Lorosa’e National University (Portuguese acronym: UNTL)

According to the Institution’s Statutes, published in the Jornal da República of 20 October last, the current Rector presented a list with three candidates to the Ministry of Education, which in turn presented it to the Council of Ministers for nomination. Of the five members of the teachers that have a Doctoral degree, four expressed their availability for candidacy. The current Rector did not. The list of candidates was composed of: Dr. Aurélio Guterres, Dr. Faustino Gomes and Dr. Francisco Martins.

It is highlighted that the elected rector cannot assume other positions that conflict with his total availability to dedicate himself in the consolidation of the institutional development of UNTL.

The Council of Ministers congratulates all three candidates for their availability and dedication and high sense of responsibility. It was a difficult choice.

Finally, the Council of Ministers congratulates the elected Rector, Dr. Aurélio Guterres, for his election and wishes all the success in his 5 year mandate.

2. Decree-Law that approves the Organic Law for the Criminal Investigation Police

This Decree-Law appears after the creation of the Criminal Investigation Police, hierarchically organized as a superior corp of the criminal police, with a special career regime. The Criminal Investigation Police stays under the organic competence of the Ministry of Justice, performing in the functional competence of the Public Ministry, supporting the Judiciary authorities. Its competence consists of investigating, in all national territory, the crimes predicted in the law, without detriment of the specific competencies of other authorities.

The creation of a Criminal Investigation Police as an autonomous organism, separate from the PNTL structure, appears out of the necessity to give a more efficient response to fighting crime, which can only be possible with an independent structure, with highly specialized personnel, supported by a scientific police laboratory, and functioning in its own building.

With this diploma, the conditions are created to initiate recruitment and training of future investigation policemen, as well as the creation of the necessary physical infrastructures for the installation of this service, which is predicted to start its activity within two years.

3. Decree-Law that Approves the Compensation Regime for Vacating State Property

The defence and consolidation of the State’s Assets, according to the Constitution, is the Government’s responsibility, which contributes, in this way, to a good administration of those assets and to the defence of public interests, as well as to the performance of the economic and social function that the assets represent.

Due to Timor-Leste’s recent history, there is today a countless number of State assets that are illegitimately or illegally occupied.

For the resolution of these situations, it is necessary to create mechanisms that return the legality of the possession of those assets, whilst safeguarding the social impact that these measures normally bring about.

Therefore, exceptionally, compensations are predicted for the reallocation of those who, although occupying State property illegally, have stayed in it for a determined period of time, and in it constituted their family aggregate and which their situation can be humanitarianly attended to.

4. Decree-Law on the Salary and Professional Equalization of the Careers for District Superintendent and School Inspector, of the Ministry of Education

This diploma proceeds to legitimize the retroactivity of the professional and salary equalization of the District Superintendents and District Inspectors, as of the 1st of January of 2010.

The Organic Law of the Ministry of Education of the IV constitutional Government predicted the inspection services, guaranteeing the necessary legal and professional framework to the General-Inspector and the Regional Directors.

However, is was a diploma lacking in regards to the professional framing of the District Superintendents and School Inspectors, where their functional contents were properly framed, but without the respective equalization in terms of remuneration and other professional privileges.

Attending to this situation, the Ministry of Education included the financial resources necessary to face this salary equalization, in the planning of the salary sheet for the 2010 State Budget, or in other words, there are no accrued financial implications, at the present time, to proceed to retroactive application of the referred professional and salary equalization.

It is still highlighted that the legal framework that allows for the creation of the present Decree-Law was only created when the new Organic Law of the Ministry of Education, came into effect on the 17th of November last.

The Council of Ministries also analysed:

1. Creation of the Designated National Authority

The Designated National Authority must be the entity responsible for the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol flexibility mechanisms and who’s responsibility is to, among others, promote, register, authorize, evaluate and develop projects from the Clean Development Mechanism, with view of promoting sustainable development.
