Government Reaffirms Commitment to Transparency and Good Governance in 2023 General State Account Debate

The 2023 State General Account was unanimously approved by the National Parliament on January 27th, 2025, with xxx votes in favor and xxxx votes against or abstentions. The debate, held in the National Parliament, was attended by the Vice Prime Minister and Minister Coordinator for Economic Affairs and Minister of Tourism and Environment, Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, representing the Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão.  Government Reaffirms Commitment to Transparency and Good Governance in 2023 General State Account Debate

Vice Prime Minister Francisco Kalbuadi Lay was accompanied during the debate in the National Parliament by the Vice Prime Minister, Minister Coordinator for Social Affairs and Minister of Rural Development and Community Housing, Mariano Assanami Sabino, the Minister of Finance, Santina José Rodrigues F. Viegas Cardoso, the Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Verónica das Dores, the Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment, Gastão Francisco de Sousa, the Vice Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Adérito Hugo da Costa, and the Vice Minister of Finance, Felicia Claudinanda da Cruz Carvalho.  Government Reaffirms Commitment to Transparency and Good Governance in 2023 General State Account Debate

The 2023 State General Account (OGE) was prepared by the Ministry of Finance based on information provided by Government bodies and public services. This document presents a comprehensive view of the State’s financial management, including the aggregate and individual results of various Government entities, such as the Consolidated Fund of Timor-Leste, the Infrastructure Fund and the Human Capital Development Fund. The State General Account details revenues and expenditures in 2023, as well as the financial balances at the end of the year.

The amended State General Budget for 2023, approved after the IX Constitutional Government took office, reduced the expenditures’ allocation from the initial 2.157 billion US dollars to 1.961 billion US dollars, which represents a reduction of 195.2 million US dollars. In terms of overall absolute figures, the execution of State expenditure stood at 76.1 per cent, corresponding to spending of 1.494 billion US dollars.

Committee C of the National Parliament, which deals with Public Finance issues, “agrees with the overall favourable opinion of the Chamber of Accounts, considering that the 2023 State General Account represents the overall budget execution for 2023 in an appropriate manner”.

“Although the IX Government has only been in charge of administrative and financial management since July 1st 2023”, the date it took office, Vice Prime Minister Kalbuadi Lay stressed that “the Government recognizes that the rendering of accounts by the State is not only a legal obligation, but also an act of moral responsibility towards the people”. He added that the State General Account is an “essential instrument for guaranteeing transparency, responsibility and good governance in the use of public resources”.

The Vice Prime Minister emphasized “the important role played by the Chamber of Accounts as an independent body in auditing the State Budget”, saying that “this process reflects the State’s commitment to accountability and respect for democratic principles”.

Kalbuadi Lay reaffirmed that “the IX Constitutional Government has been committed to the principles of transparency and good governance since the beginning of its mandate”.  He guaranteed that “all public resources are managed efficiently, with a focus on sustainable development and the well-being of the Timorese population, ensuring that budget executions respect legal norms and the principles of good financial administration”.
