Government Launches Construction of Comoro Substation to Reinforce Electricity Supply

Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, accompanied by members of the Government, diplomats and leaders of Empresa Pública Eletricidade de Timor-Leste (EDTL, E.P.), launched, on January 9th, 2025, the construction of the Comoro substation and the 150 kilovolt (kV) transmission network. The ceremony took place in Fomento II, in the Dom Aleixo Administrative Post, the Municipality of Dili. 473074080 476197918862169 7540661117057695099 n 300x199 Government Launches Construction of Comoro Substation to Reinforce Electricity Supply

The main aim of building this substation is to balance the distribution of electricity in the city of Dili, especially in the western zone. It will also act as an alternative to ensure power supply during maintenance operations or in the event of failures at the Camea-Becora substation, which currently supplies Dili, Ermera and Aileu. 473070096 476198545528773 6166136135557308600 n 300x199 Government Launches Construction of Comoro Substation to Reinforce Electricity Supply

The project includes the installation of three unitary transformers with a capacity of 120 MVA, equipped with modern accessories, including the SCADA system, and a 150 kV transmission network approximately five kilometers long in double circuit. This infrastructure aims to reinforce the supply of electricity throughout the country, guaranteeing quality energy for homes, State institutions, schools, commercial and industrial activities. 472882966 476198562195438 1732672197813983852 n 300x199 Government Launches Construction of Comoro Substation to Reinforce Electricity Supply

The implementation of the project is based on a feasibility study carried out over a period of about a year by the consulting companies PT. Amythas JV, PT. Hexa Integra Electrica and Caiulu Unip, Lda. The contract, with a budget of approximately 22 million dollars, is scheduled to last 15 months and is being carried out by the international company TBEA. The construction work is scheduled to be completed by January 2026. 473060857 476198878862073 1239490911228001786 n 300x199 Government Launches Construction of Comoro Substation to Reinforce Electricity Supply

During the ceremony, the Prime Minister highlighted the strategic importance of this project for the modernization of Timor-Leste’s energy infrastructure, underlining its importance for guaranteeing a stable and efficient supply to the population.
