Council of Ministers extraordinaire meeting, 8th of October of 2010





Council of Ministers extraordinaire meeting, 8th of October of 2010

The council of Ministers met extraordinarily this Friday, 8th of October of 2010, in Balibar and analised:

1. Presentation about the Policy for the Conversion of the Administration Agents into Public Servants

Concerned in guaranteeing a more stable future for the State employees, the Government intends to adopt the most appropriate mechanisms to reduce the high proportion of Administration agents (with exception for teachers) in relation to public servants (permanent), in the Timorese Public Service.

In this way, the Council of Ministers analysed the proposal presented by the Public Servant Commission (Portuguese acronym CFP). This proposal has the objective of reaching a balance between the employees’ rights and the needs of the organizations, taking into account the prudence with expenses and stable and sustainable development of the Public Service in Timor-Leste, according with the laws that rule their creation and management. It also intends to supply the basis for the future management of temporary employment in Public Administration, through the improvement of work policies and management practices, avoiding the use of mass employment of temporary employees.

Some guidelines were defined for the conversion process of  the administration agents (with the exception for the teachers) into public servants. Based on these guidelines defined by the Council of Ministers, the Commission should reformulate its proposal and present it to the Government at an opportune moment.

2. 2011 General State Budget (Portuguese acronym OGE)

The Council of Ministers analysed and debated in detail the OGE for the Ministries and the National Elections Commission, with view of its presentation, in full, to the Council of Ministers and subsequent submission to the National Parliament, on the 15th of November.

At the next Council of Ministers’ meeting, on 13th of the current month, the issue will be analysed once again.
