World Food Day celebration reinforces commitment to Food Security and Nutrition in Timor-Leste

The government, through the National Council for Food and Nutrition Security and Sovereignty (CONSSAN TL), celebrated World Food Day with an event in the auditorium of the Ministry of Finance on October 18th, 2024. This year’s global theme is “Right to Food for a Better Life and Future. Leaving no one behind,” and Timor-Leste has adopted as national theme. “Inclusively Ensuring Timorese’s Right to Nutritious Food for a Prosperous Timor-Leste.” 463922949 426669897142462 7572253362214059657 n 300x200 World Food Day celebration reinforces commitment to Food Security and Nutrition in Timor Leste

 The ceremony was officially opened by the Vice Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Social Affairs, Mariano Assanami Sabino, who also chairs CONSSAN TL. Those present at the ceremony were members of the government, representatives of the diplomatic corps and international organizations such as FAO, WFP, WHO, UNICEF, UNDP and UNFPA, as well as multilateral and bilateral partners such as the World Bank, the European Commission, DFAT, USAID, JICA and KOICA.

 In his speech, the Vice Prime Minister reiterated the government’s commitment to combating food insecurity and malnutrition, highlighting the implementation of national plans such as the Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030 and the National Multisectoral Plan to Combat Stunting (2024-2030). He also emphasized the importance of strengthening partnerships, adopting innovative solutions and working in a coordinated manner with all those involved to achieve these goals. 463784989 426672890475496 8253439551871195070 n 300x200 World Food Day celebration reinforces commitment to Food Security and Nutrition in Timor Leste

 The celebration included a seminar divided into two main sessions. The first session covered topics such as making nutritious food available and transforming the agri-food system to ensure food security and nutrition for all. The second session focused on the potential and investment strategies in the agricultural sector and the right to food for all.

 The presentations were led by experts from the Ministry of Health, FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Forestry, highlighting critical issues and ways to ensure sustainable food security for all. 463624821 426673290475456 2970234513829769570 n 300x200 World Food Day celebration reinforces commitment to Food Security and Nutrition in Timor Leste

 The Vice Prime Minister left a message of unity and co-operation, saying that “together, we will even ensure the Timorese’s right to nutritious food, building a prosperous Timo-Leste for all.
