Vice-Minister for ASEAN Affairs attends Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement at the United Nations

The Vice Minister for ASEAN Affairs, Milena Rangel, represented Timor-Leste at the Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement, held at the United Nations headquarters in New York. The meeting, under the theme ‘Protecting Civilians in Armed Conflict: Solidarity with the Palestinian People’, brought together representatives from several member states intending to strengthen the defence of the rights of the Palestinian people and debate concrete actions in favour of peace and security in the region. 461105401 850836063901111 9078493241194815100 n 300x225 Vice Minister for ASEAN Affairs attends Ministerial Meeting of the Non Aligned Movement at the United Nations

In her remarks, Vice-Minister Milena Rangel reaffirmed Timor-Leste’s commitment to the Ten Bandung Principles, highlighting the critical role of the Non-Aligned Movement in the defence of oppressed peoples, namely the Palestinian people. “The position of the Non-Aligned Movement is clear and unequivocal: we must defend the rights of the Palestinian people and ensure their protection following international law and humanitarian law. It is up to us to strengthen collective humanitarian assistance efforts and promote dialogue and diplomatic initiatives to achieve peace and reconciliation in the region”, said the Vice-Minister. 461061274 850836133901104 6697556446664690045 n 216x225 Vice Minister for ASEAN Affairs attends Ministerial Meeting of the Non Aligned Movement at the United Nations

During the meeting, strategies were discussed to intensify humanitarian assistance to Palestine, calling for respect for international human rights treaties and international legality in conflict areas. Milena Rangel also emphasised the importance of international solidarity as a fundamental element in resolving the conflict and building a future of lasting peace for the region’s people.
