Secretary of State for Arts and Culture participates in International Conference on Historical Archives of the CPLP in Angola

The Secretary of State for Arts and Culture, Jorge Soares Cristóvão, took part in the International Conference on Historical Archives of the Member States of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP Portuguese acronyms), which took place on September 18th to 19th, 2024, in Luanda, Angola. Screenshot 2024 09 23 092801 300x158 Secretary of State for Arts and Culture participates in International Conference on Historical Archives of the CPLP in Angola

The conference, organized by the National Archives of Angola, focused on the theme “Historical Archives and Sustainability: Public Policies in the CPLP”, with the main objective of promoting a space for permanent multilateral dialogue between the historical archives of Portuguese-speaking countries. Recommended practices in digitalization, preservation and access to documentary collections were discussed, as well as institutional capacity building. Screenshot 2024 09 23 092924 300x197 Secretary of State for Arts and Culture participates in International Conference on Historical Archives of the CPLP in Angola

Among the main challenges discussed are the need to strengthen public policies to guarantee the preservation of cultural and historical memory, and to improve the management and accessibility of archives. Digitalization is seen as a priority, to ensure the sustainability of archives for future generations.

In addition to the conference activities, the Secretary of State met with the Angolan Minister of Culture, Filipe Silvino de Pina Zau, and made institutional visits to the National Museum of Anthropology, the Luanda Science Center and the Brazil-Angola Cultural Center.  Screenshot 2024 09 23 093137 300x198 Secretary of State for Arts and Culture participates in International Conference on Historical Archives of the CPLP in Angola Screenshot 2024 09 23 093118 300x225 Secretary of State for Arts and Culture participates in International Conference on Historical Archives of the CPLP in Angola Screenshot 2024 09 23 093056 300x197 Secretary of State for Arts and Culture participates in International Conference on Historical Archives of the CPLP in Angola Screenshot 2024 09 23 092959 300x197 Secretary of State for Arts and Culture participates in International Conference on Historical Archives of the CPLP in Angola Screenshot 2024 09 23 092836 300x197 Secretary of State for Arts and Culture participates in International Conference on Historical Archives of the CPLP in Angola Screenshot 2024 09 23 093031 300x198 Secretary of State for Arts and Culture participates in International Conference on Historical Archives of the CPLP in Angola Screenshot 2024 09 23 093015 291x225 Secretary of State for Arts and Culture participates in International Conference on Historical Archives of the CPLP in Angola 460629729 386964657792050 9211003415225091457 n 300x225 Secretary of State for Arts and Culture participates in International Conference on Historical Archives of the CPLP in Angola 460200438 385626351259214 4056360097674646963 n 168x225 Secretary of State for Arts and Culture participates in International Conference on Historical Archives of the CPLP in Angola
