92 Scholarship Holders from the 2024 Merit Scholarship Programme Prepare to Study Abroad

On September 13th, 2024, a total of 92 Timorese students said goodbye at a farewell ceremony held in the Delta Nova Hall, before embarking for five countries where they will continue their studies under the 2024 Merit Scholarship Program. 459432073 384621471356778 8952797243379743350 n 300x199 92 Scholarship Holders from the 2024 Merit Scholarship Programme Prepare to Study Abroad

The program, one of the initiatives of the 9th Constitutional Government to promote the development of national human resources in strategic areas, is coordinated by the Ministry of Planning and Strategic Investment and managed by the Human Capital Development Fund (FDCH Portuguese acronyms). This year, scholarship holders will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in academic institutions in the following countries: Portugal: 21 students (4 in PhD programs and 17 in Masters); Brazil: 14 students (Masters); Indonesia: 16 students (Undergraduate); Malaysia: 31 students (13 in Master’s and 18 in Undergraduate); and Thailand: 10 students (Masters). 459420505 384621968023395 7045627883299097757 n 300x200 92 Scholarship Holders from the 2024 Merit Scholarship Programme Prepare to Study Abroad

During the ceremony, the students received words of encouragement from the various personalities present, including the Minister for Planning and Strategic Investment and Chairman of the FDCH Board of Directors, Gastão Francisco de Sousa, and the Minister for Higher Education, Science and Culture, José Honório da Costa Pereira Jerónimo, who stressed the importance of young people’s qualifications for the sustainable development of Timor-Leste. 459616213 384621404690118 136446481742442626 n 300x200 92 Scholarship Holders from the 2024 Merit Scholarship Programme Prepare to Study Abroad

As well as members of the government, the Malaysian and Cuban ambassadors, representatives of the Brazilian and Indonesian embassies, the President of the Civil Service Commission and family members of the scholarship grantees were also present.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=39441