Meeting of the Council of Ministers of 22nd of September of 2010





Meeting of the Council of Ministers of 22nd of September of 2010

The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, 22nd of September of 2010, in its meeting room, in the Government Palace in Díli, and approved:

1. Organic Law of the Presidency of the Republic

The President of the Republic is a unipersonal sovereign organ with attributions of a Head of State Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. He is also a symbol and guarantee of national independence, State unity and the regular functioning of the democratic institutions.

In the fulfilment of his attributions, the President of the Republic is assisted by a group of organs and services that support him in the development of his institutional activity and promote the political priorities defined by him. Based on the experience of the current support structure and its staff, the reorganization of these services was approved, to make the most of the human resources, the technical capacity and the endowment of means, in a way to efficiently and positively answer the current challenges in national construction.

2. Decree-Law that Approves the Supplementary Remuneration Regime for Public Administration

The present diploma regulates the concession of remuneration supplements for work during over-hours, in shifts and in the night time, and for work in remote locations or of difficult access. It also regulates the attribution of support subsidies for travelling within the country, for travelling abroad for study purposes and for relocation (transfer). It is worth highlighting that this concession applies to public servants and Public Administration agents.

3. Resolution regarding the Guiding Principles of the Relationship between the Citizens and the Timor-Leste Security Institutions with the Combatants of the National Liberation

The present diploma aims at reinforcing the public recognition of the Combatants of the National Liberation (Veterans)

Thus, the agents of these authorities, while on actions that involve Combatants of the National Liberation,,  have to apply the usual respectful and professional conduct, incremented with deference and a cordial and civic attitude in the personal treatment towards the Veterans, as an example to be followed by the community. So they may be properly identified, the Government recommends to the Homage Commission that a list of all Combatants of the National Liberation be distributed.

It is also highlighted that the veterans, as citizens with special rights, have therefore, special duties, such as maintaining the good name and reputation of the Combatants and to exhibiting an exemplary social conduct before the community and, in particular, before the new generations, as a model to be followed.

4. Resolution that Regulates the Use of Uniforms, Accessories and Badges Identical to the Military, Police or other Security Entities

Considering that the use of uniforms, accessories and badges identical to those used by the military, police or other security entities, is not regulated, the Council of Ministers resolved to define the conditions that mark and distinguish the uniforms used by the defence and security forces. With this, the Government prohibits the use of uniforms, accessories and military, police or other badges that are susceptible of creating confusion to the public, safekeeping the mission of these defence and security forces.

The Council of Ministers also analysed:

1. Presentation of the Decree-Law about the General Regime for Evaluation of Higher Education and creation of the National Agency for Academic Evaluation and Accreditation  (ANAAA)

One of the objectives of the IV Constitutional Government Program for the higher education policy is the structuring of an internationally recognized quality system. It is reminded that, in 2007-2008, an initial and intermediate evaluation and accreditation work of the Higher Education establishments was initiated by an independent Commission of international experts.

Now it is necessary to create a National Agency for Academic Evaluation and Accreditation (Portuguese acronym ANAAA) to give continuity to the accreditation system through procedures that, besides the establishments’ self-evaluation, there is also a permanent external evaluation. This organism must be scientifically and educationally independent and should respect the international standards.

2. First Alteration to the Decree-Law n.o 27/2008, of 11th of August, that Approves the Career Regime and the position of Director and Management Posts in Public Administration

With the implementation of the Public Service Commission, as an impartial and free organ, responsible for the strengthening of the Public Service, it becomes necessary to do some adjustments to the General Career Regime for the harmonization with the remaining legislation regarding human resources management in Public Administration.

It is emphasised that the Decree-Law n.o 27/2008, establishes the basic rules for the organization of the Public Service.
