Australian Government Representative Observes Developments on the South Coast

On July 15th, 2024, the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Francisco da Costa Monteiro, accompanied by the Executive Director of TIMOR GAP, E.P., and the Covalima Municipality Authorities, accompanied Steve Bracks, Australia’s Special Representative for Greater Sunrise Project, on a visit to key sites on the south coast, including the future Suai supply base, community housing projects and onshore drilling operations.

Physical surveys and geotechnical investigations are currently being carried out on land and at sea to build the Suai supply base, which covers 414 hectares. The results will be submitted for laboratory analysis before the tendering process in August or September.

Steve Bracks, invited by the Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, visited the south coast to observe the implementation of integrated projects under the Tasi Mane initiative. This visit coincides with the ongoing development of the concept study by the UK-based company Wood. 451206302 336578209509873 730315922262298380 n 300x177 Australian Government Representative Observes Developments on the South Coast

The Australian Government Representative was impressed with the investments made by the Government of Timor-Leste in Covalima and recognised that the development model will still be evaluated based on the conceptual study underway and ongoing technical discussions.

Minister Francisco Monteiro stressed that the phased investments on the south coast will facilitate the transportation of gas to Timor-Leste and will develop the national oil industry. The Government’s investments began with the construction of Suai Airport, the initial section of the highway and the Suai supply base. 451369630 336578922843135 1061615638360603196 n 300x202 Australian Government Representative Observes Developments on the South Coast

In the near future, the Government will continue the highway project from Covalima to the site of the LNG plant, the petrochemical complex, and the refinery in Natarbora. This infrastructure is an important component of the South Coast project.

The visit also included the construction site for community housing in Holbelis village (suco), in the municipality of Covalima. The project is scheduled to run from June until March 2026. The team also observed the community housing model built for the victims affected by the airport construction process.

The Liurai oil well was also inspected, where Timor Resources, in partnership with TIMOR GAP, E.P., has been making technical discoveries since 2021 and will continue for commercial issues. The delegation also visited the Suai Loro oil well.  451592635 336581012842926 3998508931698043405 n 300x180 Australian Government Representative Observes Developments on the South Coast
