Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the 8th of September of 2010


SECRETARIAT OF STATE OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the 8th September 2010


The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, the 8th September 2010, at the Council of Minister’s Meeting Room in the Government Palace, Díli, and approved:

1. Law Proposal for International Criminal Judiciary Cooperation

Knowing that many times crime develops beyond our national territory, the Government has decided to regulate the necessary solutions to fight it and which pass through a cooperation between States and the Courts.

Thus, the Law proposal approved today establishes the different forms of international judiciary cooperation, for criminal matters, between Timor-Leste’s courts and the courts in other countries or international organisations of which Timor may be a part of.

The various forms of international judicial cooperation, contemplated in the Law Proposal for International Judicial Cooperation, are extradition, transmission of criminal processes, the execution of criminal sentences, the transfer of condemned persons to penalties and detention orders, Supervision of Conditionally Sentenced or Conditionally Released Offenders and mutual judicial support in criminal matters.

2. Resolution that approves the Agreement, with Germany, on Investment Protection

The Council of Ministers approved the Agreement, with Germany, on Investment Protection, where this agreement helps to intensify the economic cooperation between the two States. The objective is to create conditions that favour investments, from the part of investors from one State within the Territory of another State, thus promoting and protecting the investments that stimulate private economy initiative.

3. Deliberation which Approves the Candidacy to the International Organization for Migrations

Recognizing the International Organization for Migrations (IOM) as one of the most relevant in regards to migration and the relevance of its work before the intergovernmental partners, as well as non-governmental ones, the Council of Ministers approved Timor-Leste’s candidacy to become a member of this Organization.

The International Organization for Migrations intends to promote a humane and ordered migration for the benefit of all. It promotes this through services and counseling to Governments and migrants, including refugees and internally displaced persons.

4. Request for Resignation from the Vice-Prime-Minister for Issues of State Administration Management

The Council of Ministers analyzed the letter for the request of resignation from the position of Vice-Prime-Minister Coordinator for Issues of State Administration Management, from the part of Mr. Mário Viegas Carrascalão, having the Prime-Minister stated his acceptance indicating that he will inform His Excellency the President of the Republic of its contents.

The Council of Ministers also analyzed:

1. Proposal for the Organic Law of the Presidency of the Republic

A few staff members from the Presidency of the Republic presented, to the members of the Council of Ministers, the structure of the bodies and agencies and departments which are intended to support the President of the Republic in performing his duties.

The present Law Proposal includes the structure for the Civil House, the Personal Secretariat of the President of the Republic and the Administrative Council, where its approval has been referred to the following Meeting of the Council of Ministers.

2. Decree-Law that Approves the Structure for the Ministry for Economy and Development

The Ministry for Economy and Development (MED) has performed a revision of its structure and presented it in the Council of Ministers Meeting.

This internal restructuring intends to clarify its areas of action in order to establish a delimitation of its competencies and responsibilities in the most dynamic and objective way so as to correspond to the activities that MED has been developing.

The Council of Ministers analyzed the proposal and made suggestions, having decided to approve the diploma in a future Council of Ministers meeting.
