National Parliament approves amendment to Anti-Corruption Commission Law

In an ordinary plenary session on April 22nd, 2024, the National Parliament approved the second amendment to Law no. 8/2009 of July 15th, the Law on the Anti-Corruption Commission, with 37 votes in favour and no votes against or abstentions.  National Parliament approves amendment to Anti Corruption Commission Law

During the plenary session, the Minister of Justice, Sérgio de Jesus da Costa Hornai, and the Vice Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Adérito Hugo da Costa, gave a general overview of the Law Proposal’s main objectives and answered the questions and queries of the members of the National Parliament.  National Parliament approves amendment to Anti Corruption Commission Law

With this amendment, approved by the Council of Ministers at its meeting on March 27th, 2024 and now approved by the National Parliament, the process of electing and dismissing the Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission will be reformulated to overcome the difficulties arising from the reinforced deliberative quorum. With the new legislation, the Commissioner can be elected or dismissed by an absolute majority of the Members of the National Parliament, eliminating the previous requirement that at least three-quarters of the Members be present in full exercise of their functions. This measure aims to streamline the electoral process and ensure the effective functioning of this criminal police body specialising in the fight against corruption.

The law also states that the Commissioner whose mandate expires will remain in office until the new incumbent takes office, thus guaranteeing continuity of public service and the pursuit of the mission for which the Anti-Corruption Commission was established.
