Council of Ministers approves measures to develop infrastructure and public works

At its meeting on April 17th, 2024, the Council of Ministers decided on a series of decisions related to the progress of infrastructure and public works in the country.

Given its ongoing intention to comply ever better with the rules of good governance, transparency and accountability in the acts that fulfil the objectives of the Infrastructure Fund, the Government has approved the first amendment to the law regulating the Fund. This amendment aims to establish additional measures to improve the Major Projects Secretariat’s administrative efficiency as a technical and administrative support body for the Board of Directors. The amendment of this law, in line with the objectives set out in the 9th Constitutional Government’s Programme, is especially relevant as we approach the tenth anniversary of its operation as an autonomous fund following the revision carried out in 2016. The law also clarifies that projects relating to the buildings of Timor-Leste’s embassies and consular services abroad are also eligible for funding from the Infrastructure Fund.

At the same meeting, the Council of Ministers decided to approve the award of the contract for the rehabilitation project of Municipal Roads, Package 2, Uatolari – Laisorulai, 0+000 – 22+000 (22 Km), in the Municipality of Viqueque, to Shanghai Construction Group Co., Ltd, which submitted the best bid based on the combined technical and financial evaluation.

Following the approval of Decree-Law no. 15/2024 of March 20th, on the extraordinary regime for direct award of public contracts for works begun without contractual formalisation, and based on the report prepared by ADN, the Council of Ministers also decided to approve the works to be contracted for their continuation and completion, or payment of the work carried out, as well as the respective expenditure.

Lastly, there was a presentation on the construction project for the Dili Marina Square building, a tourist development that will be built in the capital, in the Bidau area.
