Government Launches “Future ASEAN Leaders” Programme to Build the Next Generation of Leaders for Timor-Leste’s Development

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, through the Office of the Vice Minister for ASEAN Affairs, launched the “Futuru Líder ba ASEAN” (Future Leaders of ASEAN) Programme, a 14-month leadership programme for young and future leaders of Timor-Leste. The launch ceremony occurred on April 3rd, 2024, at the GMN multipurpose hall in Dili. IMG 0448 300x200 Government Launches “Future ASEAN Leaders” Programme to Build the Next Generation of Leaders for Timor Lestes Development

The “Futuru Líder ba ASEAN” Programme aims to develop the capacity of young Timorese leaders, aged between 23 and 37, regarding their understanding of ASEAN and their contribution to Timor-Leste’s development agenda in the context of regional integration. IMG 0365 300x200 Government Launches “Future ASEAN Leaders” Programme to Build the Next Generation of Leaders for Timor Lestes Development

The programme’s launch was attended by the Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, and the Secretary General of ASEAN, Kao Kim Hourn, as well as other Government dignitaries.

During his opening speech, the Prime Minister expressed his gratitude for Kao Kim Hourn’s presence, considering it “a demonstration of ASEAN’s support for Timor-Leste’s journey towards ASEAN membership”. IMG 0388 300x200 Government Launches “Future ASEAN Leaders” Programme to Build the Next Generation of Leaders for Timor Lestes Development

The Head of Government stressed that this programme comes at a “critical time”. He said it “represents our commitment to regional integration and cooperation and marks a significant step in our journey towards national development”.

With an eye to future development, the Prime Minister emphasised the importance of “investing in the next generation of leaders” to support “our country to face better global challenges, as well as to foster innovation and contribute to a sustainable and prosperous future”. IMG 0315 300x200 Government Launches “Future ASEAN Leaders” Programme to Build the Next Generation of Leaders for Timor Lestes Development

One hundred future leaders have been carefully selected to be part of this first group. They come from diverse sectors, such as public-sector organisations, private-sector institutions, leaders of start-ups and entrepreneurs, civil society organisations, social entrepreneurs, educators, and international organisations.

The programme also has a diverse and inclusive group, comprised of 56% women and participants from all social backgrounds.

Candidates were recommended by their leaders and selected based on their aspiration to take on leadership roles for Timor-Leste in ASEAN, their ability to establish cross-border working relationships in ASEAN countries and their potential to contribute to the country’s priority areas.

Being proficient in English at a working level was also a requirement, given its importance as a lingua franca in the international and regional context.

The programme will enable participants to gain comprehensive knowledge about leadership and ASEAN from local and regional experts and provide travel experiences to ASEAN countries to network and expand their knowledge.

“This huge leadership acceleration will help Timor-Leste be prepared for ASEAN,” said Vice-Minister for ASEAN Affairs Milena Rangel. “Timor-Leste’s next generation of leaders will also increase their awareness by visiting ASEAN countries during the programme, promoting Timor-Leste’s capabilities and potential as a full member state of ASEAN”.
