Secretariat of State for Equality and partners launch activity to prevent and respond to gender-based violence

The Secretary of State for Equality, Elvina Sousa Carvalho, together with the Acting Director of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Timor-Leste, Mark Anthony White, and other partners, officially launched an activity entitled “Breaking Barriers, Building Better Living Conditions: Integrated Response to Gender-Based Violence in Timor-Leste.” The launch ceremony occurred on March 6th, 2024, at Timor Plaza in Dili.  Secretariat of State for Equality and partners launch activity to prevent and respond to gender based violence

The non-governmental organisation Hamnasa—Hamutuk Nasaun Saudavel will implement this activity over the next four years in the municipalities of Ermera, Liquiça, Covalima, and Bobonaro. Its focus is on preventing and responding to gender-based violence.

During her speech, Elvina Sousa Carvalho emphasised the Secretariat of State for Equality’s commitment to promoting gender equality, eliminating discrimination, and combating violence against women and girls.  Secretariat of State for Equality and partners launch activity to prevent and respond to gender based violence

On behalf of the 9th Constitutional Government, the Secretary of State congratulated the NGO HAMNASA on its vision and mission to implement this activity. She also emphasised the need for cooperation between all entities in this challenging task of combating violence and promoting gender equality.  Secretariat of State for Equality and partners launch activity to prevent and respond to gender based violence

The Secretary of State also emphasised the importance of the Government’s policy of strengthening women’s role in the economic sector as part of the efforts to overcome the barriers they face and promote a dignified and independent life in relation to men.

Mark White, from USAID, expressed great pride in the partnership with the NGO HAMNASA and congratulated the Government on the adoption of the 2010 Law Against Domestic Violence, the Ten-Year National Action Plan on Gender-Based Violence and other vital measures aimed at responding to gender-based violence in the country.  Secretariat of State for Equality and partners launch activity to prevent and respond to gender based violence

The USAID Acting Director emphasised that gender-based violence is a serious global issue that affects not only Timor-Leste but the entire world, reiterating USAID’s commitment to supporting national institutions in preventing and responding to Gender-Based Violence.

The launch ceremony was attended by the Ministry of Health, development partners, the presidents of the four municipalities involved – Ermera, Liquiça, Bobonaro and Covalima – and other guests.
