At the UN, Minister Veronica das Dores calls for the right to self-determination of the Sahrawi People and reiterates support for a two-state solution in Gaza

The Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Veronica das Dores, attended and spoke at the High-Level Segment of the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council, which is taking place until February 28th at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. 430210646 258719957288782 1738879402427593744 n 300x170 At the UN, Minister Veronica das Dores calls for the right to self determination of the Sahrawi People and reiterates support for a two state solution in Gaza

The Human Rights Council is an intergovernmental body within The United Nations System tasked with strengthening human rights promotion and protection worldwide and addressing human rights violations by making recommendations on these issues.

Minister Verónica das Dores started her speech by saying, “Human rights promotion and protection are guiding principles in the exercise of Timor-Leste’s foreign policies”. She also emphasised the importance of “meaningful cooperation between States and stakeholders” to achieve the common goal of guaranteeing the enjoyment of human rights for all.

The Minister emphasised the Government’s commitment to equality and the rights of people with disabilities, noting that last year, Timor-Leste became a State Party to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and committed to establishing a National Disability Council by 2025.

On this occasion, the Minister called for “the Council’s attention to the situation in which the people of Western Sahara find themselves”, lamenting “the lack of progress” and reiterating the call “for the exercise of the right to self-determination by the United Nations Charter”. 427931748 258720507288727 201413957114716839 n 300x199 At the UN, Minister Veronica das Dores calls for the right to self determination of the Sahrawi People and reiterates support for a two state solution in Gaza

She also expressed the “deep concern” of the Government of Timor-Leste “on the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip”, emphasising “the importance of protecting all civilian populations following international humanitarian law”. “In this regard, [the Minister reiterated Timor-Leste’s] position of support for a two-state solution”.

Veronica das Dores also committed “to strengthen efforts to improve the rights of women and girls, with the fight against discrimination and violence”. She declared, “Timor-Leste places special emphasis on the defence of freedom of expression and opinion”.

The Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion ended her speech by saying that Timor-Leste, with its “rich experience” “in rebuilding a war-torn country into a resilient and democratic country that promotes the enjoyment of human rights for all”, hopes that it can continue to count on the invaluable support for its candidacy for the Human Rights Council for the 2027-2029 period, allowing us to bring our rich experience to the Human Rights Council”.

