Government launches Social Security Website

The Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Verónica das Dores, representing Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, officially launched Timor-Leste’s Social Security Website at a ceremony held on February 22nd, 2024, at Timor Plaza in Dili. The Social Security Website is available at Government launches Social Security Website

Social Security is a set of measures designed to protect all workers and their families in situations of loss of income from work or in situations of insufficient income in certain situations (contributory social security), preventing poverty, maintaining consumption capacity and boosting business activity. It also aims to guarantee all citizens decent living conditions through access to vital subsistence minimums (citizenship social security), helping to combat poverty.  Government launches Social Security Website

In Timor-Leste, the Social Security System is a fundamental component of Social Protection and includes a contributory (welfare) system and a non-contributory (citizenship) system.

The launch of this website was supported by the Portuguese Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security through the Action Portugal project and by the International Labour Organization (ILO).  Government launches Social Security Website

Minister Verónica das Dores expressed her gratitude to the partners for the technical cooperation that made it possible to launch this website. She stressed the importance of this tool in increasing workers’ and employers’ access to the social security system.

Members of the Government, members of the National Parliament, the diplomatic corps, representatives of the PNTL Command, a representative of the National Commercial Bank of Timor-Leste, religious leaders and other guests attended the Social Security Website launch ceremony.
