Jorge Alves “We Moris” takes office as AMRT Executive Director

On February 21st, 2024, Jorge Alves “We Moris”, was sworn in as Executive Director of the Archives & Museum of Timorese Resistance (AMRT – acronym in Portuguese) IP, by the Vice-Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Adérito Hugo da Costa, representing the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Agio Pereira. The ceremony took place at the AMRT premises in Dili.  Jorge Alves We Moris takes office as AMRT Executive Director

Jorge Alves’ appointment, approved at the meeting of the Council of Ministers on February 6th, 2024, follows the expiration of the mandate of the current members of the Board of Directors (including the previous Executive Director, “Hamar” Antoninho Baptista) last October.  Jorge Alves We Moris takes office as AMRT Executive Director

In the Government Resolution that established this appointment, it is explained that although “Hamar” Antoninho Baptista Alves played a fundamental role in the establishment and management of the AMRT, the Government believes it is opportune to begin a new phase, introducing an innovative perspective under the leadership of Jorge Alves, a veteran and former Resistance fighter, whose profile, knowledge and experience qualify him to take on management roles in the public service.  Jorge Alves We Moris takes office as AMRT Executive Director

The Government also praised and appreciated the work carried out by “Hamar” Antoninho Baptista throughout his time as head of the AMRT.

In his speech after taking office, Jorge Alves “We Moris” pledged to continue the AMRT’s mission responsibly and to continue the work in progress. The new AMRT Executive Director expressed his gratitude to the outgoing Director for the significant work done, especially in managing the archive and preserving the documents of the resistance.  Jorge Alves We Moris takes office as AMRT Executive Director

The outgoing Executive Director, “Hamar” Antoninho Baptista Alves, recalled in his speech that he faced many difficulties during the last twenty years but achieved goals despite persistent challenges. He also encouraged the new Director to continue with the ongoing efforts towards the objectives of AMRT IP, with a particular focus on preserving the history and documents of the resistance.






