Inauguration of the new President and members of the RAEOA Authority, and Coordinators for the establishment of a Special Economic Development Zone in Oe-Cusse Ambeno

On January 31st, 2024, the Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, swore in the new President of the Oe-Cússe Ambeno Special Administrative Region Authority (RAEOA) and the other members of the RAEOA Authority and the Executive Committee for the establishment of a Special Economic Development Zone in Oe-Cússe Ambeno, at a ceremony held at the Ambeno Hotel in the RAEOA.  Inauguration of the new President and members of the RAEOA Authority, and Coordinators for the establishment of a Special Economic Development Zone in Oe Cusse Ambeno

Rogério Tiago de Fátima Lobato, former Minister of Internal Affairs in the 1st Constitutional Government and candidate in the 2012 presidential elections, is taking over as President of the RAEOA Authority, with the main mission of overseeing decentralisation activities over the next five years, educating, and mobilising the local population towards conscious involvement in the economic development of the Oe-Cússe Ambeno Enclave.

In addition to the President of the Authority, André Lao was sworn in as Regional Secretary for Administration, Elvira Manat, as Regional Secretary for Finance, Luís de Jesus Neno, as Regional Secretary for Health, Inácia Tamele, as Regional Secretary for Education and Social Affairs, Filomena Sila, as Regional Secretary for Agriculture, and Marcelino Marques Coro, as Regional Secretary for Land and Property, Registry, and Notary.  Inauguration of the new President and members of the RAEOA Authority, and Coordinators for the establishment of a Special Economic Development Zone in Oe Cusse Ambeno

The appointment, formalised by Government Resolution no. 6/2024 of January 24th, is based on the need to establish a new model of operation and autonomy for the RAEOA, as provided for in the Government’s Programme. The decree highlights the importance of acting by the Government’s supervisory powers, increasing the transparency and credibility of the regional administration, and strengthening relations with the population and partners.

During this ceremony, João Mendes Gonçalves, former Minister of Economy and Development in the 4th Constitutional Government, was also sworn in as Coordinator of the Executive Committee for the establishment of a Special Economic Development Zone in Oe-Cússe Ambeno, which will lead the efforts to draw up a detailed study, to be presented to the Government within 12 months, to implement a Special Economic Zone in Oe-Cússe Ambeno, namely with a detailed description of its objectives, implementation plan and the budget needed for this purpose. Régio da Cruz Salu and Herculano de Sousa took office as Vice-Coordinators of this Executive Committee.  Inauguration of the new President and members of the RAEOA Authority, and Coordinators for the establishment of a Special Economic Development Zone in Oe Cusse Ambeno

The establishment of this Committee, through Government Resolution no. 6/2024 of January 24th, is the result of the realisation that, over almost a decade, the project to establish a Special Social Market Economy Zone proved incapable of fulfilling the objectives initially proposed, generating persistent doubts about its nature, purpose, competences, and powers until its extinction. The population did not see the Special Zone as a solution to their needs, and it lacked economic dynamism, social equity, and the effective involvement of local communities. The management of the Special Zone was often confused with the administration of the Special Administrative Region of Oe-Cússe Ambeno, amplifying uncertainties about its role and impact.  Inauguration of the new President and members of the RAEOA Authority, and Coordinators for the establishment of a Special Economic Development Zone in Oe Cusse Ambeno

In his inaugural speech, Rogério Lobato pointed out that “the Special Administrative Region of Oe-Cússe Ambeno (…) has a favourable geographical position to attract substantial foreign investment if we can act with perspicacity and intelligence” and that “in addition to this advantage, even though it is small in size, it is a territory that has natural resources of some economic importance”, which should be developed “to benefit all the inhabitants of the Special Administrative Region of Oe-Cússe Ambeno without exception”.

The new President of the RAEOA Authority also expressed “all his unconditional support” for João Mendes Gonçalves and said that “the region, through the ZEESM program, once it is well designed and implemented, will be able to sustain itself with its funds, ceasing to be a drain on public funds and becoming an important source of revenue, including contributing in part to the Timorese General State Budget”.

As priorities for his mandate, he assumed “the supply of drinking water for the entire population”, the “reduction in the price of the electricity” “to facilitate investments aimed at the industrialisation of the region”, the granting of land titles to facilitate people’s access to bank credit”, the “accelerated construction of infrastructure and roads”, the “fair regularisation of compensation for the abusive and arbitrary use of private land and property by the outgoing Authority”, the “continued strengthening of the education, public health, agriculture, livestock and fishing sectors”. He also considered that “the tourism sector and the hospitality industry will be important targets for the region to pursue”.

This ceremony signals a new era, with the start of the implementation of measures that reflect the Government’s commitment to boosting the economic and social development of Oe-Cússe Ambeno, with the strengthening of its autonomy, and an effective response to the needs of the population, to contribute significantly to the progress of the region and substantially improving the quality of life of its inhabitants. END
