Government Approves Resolutions to Strengthen Economic Development of Oe-Cusse Ambeno

At its meeting on January 24th, 2024, the Council of Minister approved two Government Resolutions aimed at boosting economic development and strengthening the autonomy of the Special Region of Oe-cusse Ambenu (RAEOA).

The first Government Resolution highlights the need for restructuring and autonomy for the RAEOA, as proposed in the Government Program. The aim is to regain the confidence of the population, boost economic development and establish solid relations with all stakeholders, including the population, partners, and other interested parties.

In this regard, the Government appointed Mr. Rogério Tiago Lobato as the President of the RAEOA Authority for a five-year term, with the main mission of overseeing decentralization activities, educating and mobilizing the local population for conscious involvement in the economic development of the Oe-Cusse Ambeno Enclave. Six Regional Secretaries of the Authority were also appointed, each with specific responsibilities in crucial areas for the region.

The second draft Government Resolution focuses on the creation of an executive committee with the aim establishing a Special Economic Development Zone in Oe-cusse Ambeno. The decision to create this committee stems from the realization that, after almost a decade since its creation, the project to establish a Special Social Market Economy Zone has not achieved the proposed objectives. The population did not perceive the Special Zones as capable of meeting their economic and social needs, generating uncertainty about its role and effective impact.

The executive committee will be responsible for preparing, within 12 months, a detailed study for the implementation of a special economic zone in Oe-cusse Ambeno. The study will include specific objectives, an implementation plan, and the necessary budget.

João Mendes Gonçalves was appointed Coordinator of the Commission, while Régio da Cruz Salu and Herculano de Sousa were appointed Vice-Coordinators.

These measures reflect the Government’s commitment to boost the economic and social development of Oe-Cusse Ambeno, strengthening its autonomy and addressing the real needs of the population. The Government is confident that these actions will contribute significantly to the region’s development and improve the quality of life of its residents.
