Ban on the individual use of artificial rockets and other pyrotechnic devices throughout national territory

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Díli, December 27th, 2023

Ban on the individual use of artificial rockets and other pyrotechnic devices throughout national territory

Following Joint Order No. 127/MCI-MI/XII/2023 of December 18th, the Government, in coordination with the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL- Portuguese acronym), announces a ban on the individual use of artificial rockets and other pyrotechnic devices throughout the country.

Given the verified disobedience of this order by the population, evidenced by several recent incidents in areas such as Dili, Viqueque, Ermera, Bobonaro, among others, which have resulted in the disruption of religious celebrations in sacred places, churches and surrounding areas, and with the primary objective of safeguarding the peace and security of the population, PNTL will carry out searches throughout the city of Dili and the entire national territory, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Interior. During these operations, all artificial rockets and other pyrotechnic devices in the possession of individuals violating the ban will be seized.

Border patrols will also be stepped up, with particular attention to illegal entries, to seize artificial rockets and pyrotechnic devices that could be smuggled into national territory.

The seized devices will be handed over to the President of the Dili Authority, who will supervise the distribution of these materials to the Administrative Posts of the Dili Municipality, promoting their responsible and safe management.

The Government appeals to the population’s understanding and cooperation in this joint effort to ensure the safety and well-being of all citizens. Failure to comply with this ban will result in penalties under current legislation. END
