Day off on December 26th, 2023 and January 2nd 2024

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Day off on December 26th, 2023 and January 2nd 2024

Given that Christmas day and New Year’s Day will be celebrated on December 25th and January 1st, respectively;

Given that these dates are expressly enshrined in Article 2(1)(a) and (m) of Law 10/2005 of August 10th, as amended by Laws 3/2016 of May 25th and 10/2023 of April 5th, as national holidays with a fixed date;

Given that Christmas Day and New Year’s Day are traditionally celebrated with the family;

Given that it is a tradition for many people to travel away from their places of residence during the Christmas and New Year period in order to have family reunions;

Given the practice that has been followed over the years, the granting of day off at this time in public services;

Therefore, pursuant to Article 7(6)(d) of Law 10/2005 of August 10th, as amended by Laws 3/2016 of May 25th and 10/2023 of April 5th, I hereby determine the following:

1 – Day off is granted:

  1. On December 26th, 2023, all day;
  2. On January 2nd, 2024, all day.

2 – This order covers officials, agents and workers who work in the direct State administration services, whether central or deconcentrated or in indirect administration bodies.

3 – The human resources of public services that, due to the nature of their activity, must remain in operation during that period are exempt from the previous paragraph.

4 – Without prejudice to the continuity and quality of the public service to be provided, the senior managers of the services referred to in the previous paragraph must promote the equivalent exemption from the duty of attendance of the respective human resources, on a day to be set in due course. END
