Extraordinary Payment of an Additional Month’s Salary to Public Administration Workers is Promulgated

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Extraordinary Payment of an Additional Month’s Salary to Public Administration Workers is Promulgated

The 9th Constitutional Government, in line with the practice established in 2014, approved the extraordinary payment of an additional month’s salary to Public Administration workers and those treated as such, now enacted through Decree Law 86/2023 of December 18th. This allowance, equivalent to the Christmas or thirteenth-month allowance, aims to recognise and value the commitment and effort of civil servants, agents or workers on contract, bringing their rights and benefits closer to those of other national workers.

Under the Labour Law and the Remuneration Statute for political office holders, the extraordinary payment aims to bring the benefits offered to public administration workers on a par with those provided to other citizens, guaranteeing fair remuneration in line with international best practice.

The approved decree law universally covers all public office holders and public administration workers, excluding foreign contract workers and former holders and former members of sovereign bodies whose pensions are calculated based on the salary of public office holders.

The amount of the extraordinary payment is equivalent to the beneficiary’s monthly salary or pension in December 2023. To ensure uniformity of payment, the amount for contracted staff is equalised with the general regime, limited to the value of the maximum grade and step of the salary scale for general regime careers. The value of the extraordinary payment cannot exceed the salary of the President of the Republic.

In addition to the extraordinary payment, this decree-law also establishes the granting of a remuneration supplement relating to preparing the 2024 General State Budget and the closing of the 2023 budget year. This supplement will be granted to the Ministry of Finance employees who played an essential or substantial role in this process, regardless of their employment status. END

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=35577