9th Government appreciates constructive debate on the 2024 General State Budget

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Díli, December 15th, 2023

9th Government appreciates constructive debate on the 2024 General State Budget

The 9th Constitutional Government expresses its continued commitment to a transparent and democratic budgetary process and deep appreciation for the constructive debate underway in the National Parliament on the 2024 General State Budget Law Proposal.

In this context, the Government values the contributions, proposals and suggestions presented by the different members of parliament from all parliamentary groups. Transparency and a plurality of opinions reflect the vitality of national democracy, which is a fundamental pillar for the country’s sustainable development.

We also welcome the National Parliament’s decision to accept the request for an urgent debate on the 2024 General State Budget Law Proposal, emphasising the importance of this decision, which makes it possible to avoid extending the validity of the 2023 General State Budget Law into 2024 and the consequent application of the duodecimal regime.

The Government recognises and praises the clarity of the arguments presented by the members of the Government’s parliamentary benches, who have played an important role in elucidating the proposals under discussion. The democratic and constructive way the 2024 General State Budget is being discussed demonstrates the collective commitment to reaching beneficial decisions for the Timorese.

The President of the National Parliament deserves to be recognised for her ability and effort in conducting the debate, even in the face of the most tense moments of a vibrant democracy.

The Executive reiterates its willingness to continue providing all the necessary clarifications to the members of the National Parliament and is committed to listening to the concerns and contributions of the President of the National Parliament and all the honourable members until the end of the debate.

The 9th Government reiterates its commitment to implementing this budget submitted for the consideration of the honourable members of Parliament with a total sense of responsibility, intending to implement projects and programmes that promote the country’s sustainable development and improve the quality of life of its citizens.

The Spokesperson for the 9th Constitutional Government, Minister Agio Pereira, expressed his gratitude for “the democratic and constructive approach being adopted by all members of the National Parliament during the debate” and recognised that “the comments, suggestions and constructive criticism enrich the discussions and will contribute to a more effective implementation of this Budget, which is of and for all Timorese”. END

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=35510