Prime Minister commends the work of the technical teams in the process of concluding the demarcation of the land border with Indonesia

The Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the technical teams from Timor-Leste and Indonesia for their efforts to conclude the process of marking unresolved segments of the land border in the Oe-cússe enclave, namely at Noel Besi – Citrana. Xanana Gusmão and the Land and Maritime Boundaries Office hosted a friendship dinner with the teams from both countries at the Hotel Timor in Dili.  Prime Minister commends the work of the technical teams in the process of concluding the demarcation of the land border with Indonesia

The Head of Government considered the team’s work, carried out from November 20th to 27th, 2023, a great victory and that the successful conclusion of the unresolved segments in Noel Besi-Citrana over two decades represents a significant achievement in safeguarding national sovereignty, strengthening security and promoting socio-cultural affinity, as well as bringing socio-economic benefits to both countries.

Ambassador Roberto Soares, head of the national technical team, expressed his appreciation to everyone involved for their efforts and dedication over the many years leading up to the successful conclusion of the negotiation process. He also told the importance of “both teams finding a fair and consistent solution”. He said, “Timor-Leste has fulfilled its position of resolving the borders following international law”.  Prime Minister commends the work of the technical teams in the process of concluding the demarcation of the land border with Indonesia

The Head of the Indonesian Technical Negotiating Team, Ambassador Abdul Kadir Jailani, expressed his gratitude to the Government of Timor-Leste for the support received during the process.

The successful conclusion of the technical work paves the way for an official visit by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão to Jakarta, Indonesia, early next year, where the formal agreement is expected to be signed.

